The Illustrated Frank J: Simple Solution


Well, It’s Not a FATAL Disease…

A new physicians’ study shows that adults who throw temper-tantrums could be suffering from a medical disorder.

Ok, but let’s wait to cure Trump until AFTER he debates Hillary.

The Late Jim Henson Predicts the 2016 Election

[High Praise! to my blogless brother Roy]

Link of the Day: Satire – After pressure from Native American groups, Apache helicopters renamed ‘Haji Killers’

[High Praise! to DuffelBlog]

After pressure from Native American groups, Apache helicopters renamed ‘Haji Killers’

[Think you have a link that’s IMAO-worthy? Send it to If I use your link, you will receive High Praise! (assuming you remember to put your name in the email)

It’s Their Kryptonite

Scientists have developed a tiny new spy drone that can perch on a ceiling like a bug.

Its only vulnerability: nervous women in the room yelling “Ew! Kill it! Kill it!”

Obama Warned Us – SCOTUS Nominee

On average, it’s taken 67 days to confirm Supreme Court nominees since 1975.


“Of course, if the parties were reversed, I’d point out how, historically, sometimes it’s taken years.”

Straight Line of the Day: Turns Out Hillary Got Over $20 Million in Corporate Speaking Fees. She Spent It On…

Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.

Turns out Hillary got over $20 million in corporate speaking fees. She spent it on…

Ch Ch Changes

[David Bowie Official – The YouTube]

Some of you noticed. Well, probably all of you noticed. And some of you didn’t like it. Well, maybe none of you liked it. But, yes, we made some changes. But, it might not be a bad thing.

IMAO looks, well, a little different. There’s still the Nuke The Moon banner at the top. There are two black sidebars. There is still the red outline. But, it’s still a little different. So, why the changes in the look of IMAO? Well, we wanted to do a couple of things. One was to add some functionality that we really think could be useful to you. The other was to improve overall responsiveness of the Website.

WordPress added some functionality in the nearly eight years since our last major update. Some is useful to the visitors to the Website — that’s you — and some is very useful to the behind the scenes operation. The customized theme that we were using didn’t allow for any of that. So, we changed to a different, but similar, theme. We still had to customize it a little, but these customizations were in a way that didn’t limit the functionality. Anyway, this new theme allows for these new features, which we think you’ll find useful.

Reply to comments

You know how when someone left a comment and you wanted to reply to that person, if there were other comments in-between, it was sometimes problematic? You know, you’d perhaps get the number of the comment so they’d know who you were talking to…

#7: Have you tried turning it off and on again?

But then some comment that got improperly caught by the spam filter changed the numbering? Or you’d have to write who you were talking to?

@Bridgekeeper: Do you mean an African swallow or a European swallow?

You remember, right? Well, now you can simply reply directly to a comment, if you like. Or, as always, simply comment on the post in general. And, if you do reply to a comment, they are nested, so you can reply to a reply and so on for up to 10 levels. If 10 levels isn’t enough, you need to take it outside.

Sharing buttons

We’ve implemented better sharing functionality into the Website. The code we had previously was rather troublesome on the browser. The new Theme allows inserting of official plugins and better, cleaner integration of social and sharing of content.

Mobile integration

The old mobile theme, the one you got when you opened the Website on your phone, worked, but you had to open each post to see the content. More clicks for us, sure, but not very helpful for you. Well, the new Theme has a built-in Mobile design. Actually, there are two we now have access to. Both allow you to see content when you go to the Website on your phone without having to click on each post. (Edit: More about this in the comments.)

Subscribe to comments

While we’ve had a form of this for some time, the new Theme supports the standard version, and should be easier to use.

Sign in to comment

We now support Facebook, Twitter, Google, and WordPress sign-ins when commenting. It’s not a requirement, but it’s an option. Some people prefer that. If that’s your preference, it’s now available.


In addition to those items listed above, the Website should be more responsive. We really do want to make things easier to use. We know that change for the sake of change is not a good thing. But, we think the overall changes will make for a better, easier to use Website.

Let us know if we met your expectations.

“Organic” Is SOOOOOO 2015

Now trending: “agricultural astrology” – a food production method that “advises the planting, cultivating, and harvesting of crops based on moon phases”.

Sounds like wacky superstition to me. I’ll stick with horticultural haruspicy, thank you very much.