Straight Line of the Day: Turns Out Hillary Got Over $20 Million in Corporate Speaking Fees. She Spent It On…

Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.

Turns out Hillary got over $20 million in corporate speaking fees. She spent it on…


  1. …? Clintons do not spend their own money.

    …things that subpoenas, court orders and years of cooperating fully will never disclose.

    …helping a Nigerian prince escape with 19 million dollars.

    …a reset button that will turn Bill’s pacemaker off a week before the election.

  2. … anti-riot and anti-security gear:

    “Cleveland Is Spending $20 Million in Federal Money on Riot and Security Gear for the Republican Convention”
    — by Josh Rosenblat of Vox / Wednesday, 13 Apr 2016

  3. Turns out Hillary got over $20 million in corporate speaking fees. She spent it on…

    …a cankle lift.

    …all the Bernie yard signs and bumper stickers.

    …paying someone to wait in line for the iPhone 7.

    …stain remover

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