The Illustrated Frank J: Maybe on Hillary


The Biggest Hazard in America

Oops! At JFK airport, workers were caught on video entering restricted areas without security checks.

Even worse, some of them had worked more than 29 hours that week.

Link of the Day: Sign Wars!

[High Praise! to That’s Nerdalicious]

Massachusetts McDonald’s Is Waging Sign War With Liquor Store

BONUS LINK: via Mental Floss

10 Things to Remember About Memorial Day

[Think you have a link that’s IMAO-worthy? Send it to If I use your link, you will receive High Praise! (assuming you remember to put your name in the email)

Me? I Just Would’ve Put a Cushion on It and Called it Good

Ah, craftsmanship… jump to about 3 minutes to watch him get to work.

[The Fascinating Repairmen. #010 “The Rattan Furniture”] (Viewer #63,785)

Their Cup of Tea

A former White House reporter said that most members of the media were “happy to be managed” by Obama.

The rest were merely ecstatic.

Promoted Comment: Wait… When Do I Get Offended?

[High Praise! to Oppo]

I am confused. You can’t wear a sombrero, you can’t celebrate Cinco de Mayo, you can’t call yourselves Redskins, you can’t wear dreadlocks, and you can’t teach yoga classes because they are all “cultural appropriation” — but you must speak every possible language besides English to your customers, and this won’t offend them?

Memorial Day 2016

Tomb of the Unknowns, Arlington National Cemetery. Photo by Department of Defense

Tomb of the Unknowns, Arlington National Cemetery. Photo by Department of Defense

Remember those that gave all.