The Illustrated Frank J: Bernie – Clarified


The Science Is Settled!

A new report shows that 86% of campaign reporters say that Hillary Clinton will be the next President.

The other 14%? Right-wing media bias.

As Long As One Bag Is Full of EBT Cards, Most Voters Won’t Care

[High Praise! to AfterMath]

Link of the Day: Having Just Mowed the Lawn, I Find This a Timely and Cogent Analysis

[High Praise! to Your Daily Dose of Vitamin Fred]

Rating the bugs: Backyard edition

[Think you have a link that’s IMAO-worthy? Send it to If I use your link, you will receive High Praise! (assuming you remember to put your name in the email)

Trumpo de Mayo

How Trump is Celebrating Cinco de Mayo, you might ask.  He loves Hispanics, you know.  They’re great, as long as they stay behind that wall.  Here is how he is celebrating.

  • Equipping his yacht with a new set of anchor babies
  • Whacking a giant Cruz-Rubio piñata, filled with candy wrappers
  • Launching his new line of Trump Tequila, proudly sold in the US but made by Malaysian orphans
  • Settling down for a long, slow fantasy involving a dirty Ivanka-Tiffany ‘enchilada’
  • Los trasplantes de cabello naranja para todos
  • Establishing the Mexico City campus of Trump Universidad, with its associated wall
  • Throwing a yuge fiesta, catered by illegals
  • Paying the legal fees for anyone who will punch La Raza in the face
  • Designing the guady new signs for the Trump Casa Blanca
  • Systematically offending all the wise latina women he meets
  • Announcing that his running mate will be Pedro

Also, Better Luck Playing the Futures Market

Taking a shot at Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump said “she’s playing the woman card – it’s the only thing she’s got going”.

Meh. He’s just jealous that Hillary has a body count.

Obama Warned Us – National Parks

President Obama is protecting our lands and waters for future generations. #NationalParkWeek


“Which is the same thing YOUR kids will be told when THEY’RE told they can’t use the government’s lands and waters.”

Straight Line of the Day: The Only Reason Obama Would Deport an Illegal Immigrant…

Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.

The only reason Obama would deport an illegal immigrant…

How Can Trump Quash Hillary

Now that he is the presumptive nominee, it’s time for The Donald to turn his cool, informed savvy toward beating The Hillary. Here are his plans that have been leaked.

  • Make a great deal so that both he and Hillary run as each other’s VPs.
  • If the rigged Electoral College doesn’t make him President, there will be riots.
  • Start wearing lipstick and a dress. Transgender trumps woman.
  • Leak that photo of Hillary palling around with John Wilkes Booth.
  • At the start of the first debate, pin Hillary to the floor and give her a pink belly until she agrees to drop out of the race.
  • Threaten to ‘spill the beans’ on Bill. Wait til you see it. It will be yuge!
  • Keep reminding the electorate that his daughter is way hotter than Chelsea.  Which one do you want to have to look at for the next four years?
  • Make a better deal with Lucifer, maybe even appoint him to the Supreme Court.
  • Garner the endorsements of such Washington outsiders as Boehner, Pelosi, Boxer, Schumer, Reid, Bill Clinton…..
  • Be the first Republican candidate to actively court the dead vote.
  • He’s pretty sure Hillary is ineligible to run because she isn’t a natural born citizen, but how to prove it?
  • Woo Bernie supporters by offering taxpayer funded Trump University for all.

Messing With a Sleeping Tiger, I Tell You!

In yet another aggressive move, a Russian MiG-31 jet flew within 50 feet of an American spy plane.

Putin better be careful, or Obama might actually USE his pen and phone.