Straight Line of the Day: The Only Reason Obama Would Deport an Illegal Immigrant…

Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.

The only reason Obama would deport an illegal immigrant…


  1. Wow, felines and assorted humanoids, y’all covered the bases. Normally #6 could get a word in edgewise, but you got this thing sewed up tight (and extra sardines for #4, DC, and pecan pralines for #3, AA). Let’s see. The only reason Obama would deport an illegal immigrant…

    lousing up his chances of getting on the Supreme Court.

  2. [DISCLAIMER: The following is an attempt to find some humor in a meme; not an attempt to take a position on it.]

    … would have been if Ted Cruz won the Republican nomination.

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