The Illustrated Frank J: Simple Solution



        • If I voted third party I would deserve it. In 2008 I was told to ignore “Maverick’s” tendency to bash conservatives because we needed to win the Presidency. in 2012 I was told to ignore the fact that Romney invented Obamacare and as a middle of the road, independent likeable candidate we will win the the White House, to errrr, repeal it. In a perfect world Trump would not be my choice to stop Hillary. But if he is all you got then you got to go with what you got. Besides, anyone willing to lob hand grenades at Hillary concerning VInce Foster’s death can’t be all bad.

          • No, no… he’s still a horrible, terrible human being, and rotten to the core. But it IS fun watching Hillary getting kicked around, and the press being happy to report it because it sells more papers than pushing their liberal agenda.

            Ah, my sweet, sweet schadenfreude…

  1. If the US Navy could win at Midway with three carriers (one of which should have been in Pearl getting worked on) versus four (which would have been six except for the Doolittle raid and Coral Sea), if the Poles could steal an Enigma machine from the Germans, if Cory ten Boom could be “accidentally” release from a concentration camp, then surely the USA can come up with a better choice than Trump or Clinton.

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