Links of the Day

Did I say there wasn’t going to be any secret message in this week’s Links of the Day™? Oh yes, I did.
Anyway, it’s Freaky Link to Frank Friday™! This is where I get lazy and just go to Technorati and grab some links of people linking to me. What fun!
Bitweever has a great idea for a new reality show.
And what’s aimless’s comment about me supposed to mean?
Kelley has some sympathy for poor politicians getting lampooned by us bloggers all the time (but not that much).
Meatriarchy added me to his blogroll (with a very intelligent observation in parentheses next to it).
Krissy has a political awakening.
Bad Money has some analyzation of humor (June 26th entry entitled “Trying to Muster Polite Laughter”).
And I need more pictures for the Peace Gallery. You don’t want the world to think we’re a bunch of war-loving pansies.

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  1. It was a compliment – your satire has some real silliness in it that I like! You are leading with your chin most of the time. (Of course the reference has to do with silly fun-loving teenagers not in-your-face-punk teenagers)

  2. Thanks for the link, Frank, I’m flattered 🙂
    Unfortunately, since I’m on Blogspot, the permalinks seem to be permabroke. The post in question (if you’re trying to find it manually) is June 26th, “Trying to Muster Polite Laughter”.

  3. Well Hell Max, of course Coulter needs to be kept far far away from me. She scares me, but damn if all women shouldn’t aspire to be at least a little like her. Give me a couple of years and I might just learn from her. And Frank, thanks for the link…I think.

  4. Better Late then Never

    Renee, Renee, Renee, why did you wait so long to enter the Showcase? On the other hand, I entered on Tuesday and still only have 5 votes! Loyal Readers? Have I offended thee? Bill? Oh, wait, Bill never even got around to voting for his protege, John. G…

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