It’s a little known fact, but I had a small cameo in Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones.
Just like Samuel L. Jackson, I was able to argue to George Lucas to give me a unique colored light saber. (Thanks to Sam from Unigolyn for the picture)
And, if you haven’t seen the Animatrix yet, I think they did a great job of digitally inserting me in it.
(Thanks to Fritz of On the Fritz for the picture)
Also, I had asked what that monkey was that was in my last caption contest, and one reader, Mike Peck, identified it as a golden snub-nosed monkey. I found a picture of one.
That is freaky, but freaky in a different way. I think the monkey in question must be some other sort of snub-nosed monkey, but, if we kill all monkeys, it doesn’t really matter what it was.
Oh no, it makes a big difference. You have to kill a snub-nosed monkey with a snub-nosed revolver. Don’t they teach anything in schools these days?
We CAN’T kill all the monkeys Frank. We need a few to keep around and interrogate to uncover their secret master plan…
Frank, just promise us that you won’t end up in your undies for the Animatrix cameo. It was cool seeing a CGI hot chick in a red thong. But you?…. not so much…..
OK, if (and that is a hypothetical as yet), IF we kill ALL monkeys, then there would be no secret master plan. I am for monkey slaying/eating. As long as they aren’t around to fling crap/make noise/kill, maim, destroy/spread disease/take over the world I cannot oppose their demise. That, and some of them look like terrorists to me, so that is a double-whammy.
PS- I don’t think that you need anything special to kill a snub nosed monkey… at least nothing more special than a grenade launcher or a shotgun. I personally prefer the shotgun. I sounds nice when it booms.
Just on the off-chance I did a Verisign search on
It was available.
Don’t you think you should buy up this site before some monkey-lover does?