I’ve just finished updating my random quote generator so that it now has everything up until the end of March 2003. As I look at my old stuff, I can’t help but exclaim, “Hot damn! I am a comic genius!” And I just keep getting even more geniuser.
If you want to add IMAO quotes to your website and thus make it funnier, put this in your mainpage template:
<script type=”text/javascript” src=”http://www.imao.us/docs/quotes.txt”></script>
Dave Barry isn’t allowed to add it, as I don’t want anymore people visiting his site. (Damn; then why’d I just hyperlink him?)
first comment!!!
I thought about adding your quotes but decided it would be more fun to mis-quote all my enemies. In fact my “sources” right now are quoting Osama bin Laden who just said, “Get me out of Chicago. I can’t stand the stench anymore.”
are you going to add “best of IMAO 2003” to categories? I miss those posts even though you’re doing always new superb things !!!
wouldn’t adding IMAO quotes to Barry’s site potentially bring you considerably more traffic? just a thought.
Note to apossiblemadman.
As I have claimed First Comment Ever you are now infringing on my intellectial property.
Now my lawyers inform me that I can not sue you over this, but I am allowed to place both thumbs in my ears, waggle my fingers and say “NAH! NAH! NAH! NAH! BOO! BOO!”.
Frank, I finally visited Dave Barry’s site and all I can say is: Relax, you have nothing to worry about.
Yeah, I’m rather disappointed in Dave’s blog. There’s no…meat there. Just a bunch of hyperlinks.
Dear Frank…The US Central Command is located in Florida you know…close enough to open a “third front” in the war on “terrorism” if you two taunting titans can’t make nice.
the vigilante,
Dave Barry’s blog is instahumor.
Still, though I think it’s pretty funny.
But what do I know? I didn’t graduate with a humorology degree.
a note to IkkonoIshi: whil you are placeing both thumbs in your ears, and waggling your fingers, and doing other equally inane things, i am adjusting for windage and zeroing my sights on one fool who is either vigourusly cleaning his ears or haveing an epileptic episode…..
hope you clothes go well with red, wouldnt want to look bad at ones own funeral
cont. from above: alos, you merely commented recently, makeing your claim fraud and unfounded, which means I can sue YOU
i hope i enjoy your money
i could just sit here for hours, refreshing the page to get a sweet, sweet new quote… God bless you, Frank J!!!
I shall add a IMAO quote generator, if you link to me!
Now With Random Quotey Goodness
Thanks to Frank J, inquisitiveness, and an hour or so’s work, the quotes at the top of my page are now random. I’ve never done Javascript before, but (I thought to myself), how hard could it be? The answer: about an hour. And I don’t want to hear about…