Tomorrow It Begins

Tomorrow morning I’ll have a new In My World™, and, then, in the afternoon, the contest will begin. It will be your job to pick the funniest of the six top ten lists presented to you (which is the same as finding mine out of the six – Muh ha ha ha!).
Bring it on!


  1. Frank, just one question. Why do you want to win ? You don’t need a permalink don’t you, it is your own blog. Sometimes, you squeeze me. The winner will be the second one if you’re the first, so where’s the point ?

  2. Yes SpaceMonkey, emulation. The word comes from the French word emulation which comes from the name of the mule. A mule is a female dunkey that had a baby with a horse. The half dunkey horsy is called a mule, and emulation means that the she-mule baby wants to be as his father the horse.
    In this context, Frank J. is the horse and the competitors are the she-mules.
    I wonder who is the dunkey ya.

  3. SpaceMonkey, if you did not want the explanations about the she-mule, you should have look into your dictionary about emulation, which is a real word. There is absolutely not any fantasy in here.
    And if you don’t understand anything about pilgrim, you should start one to feel the pain walking on a road that never ends.

  4. That’s a horse Frank. It is a calligramme of Guillaume Apollinaire. The emulation is a reference to a sarcastic poem I have written about the she-mule emule that wanted to become a horse.
    I think that some people are really suffering a lack of the sense of the literature.
    Some of my sculptures are signed and numeroted Derby. I have started with a sculpture that I made for a blind woman, and I made it wearing a scarf to cover my eyes.
    The pilgrimage reference is only funny in the sense that a horse and a donkey seem to be a penitence, kind of repent before you reach the light of God.
    It is just as in poesy, but it might be too zoozy for the people there.

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