Small people in masks will be coming to your door tonight, and you are probably wondering how can you be sure they are kids and not terrorist midgets since you can’t see their faces.
Each time you answer the door for trick-or-treaters, drop a Koran on the floor and pee on it. If any of the masked shrimps attacks you… then he is really a Islamic terrorist midget!
Remember: Only you can prevent terrorist midgets on Halloween.
This was a public service announcement from IMAO and Ed’s Extra Absorbent Qurans.
What a great idea! Frank you’re a genious!!
I’m just back from camping and between all of the fish wrapping, campfire starting, and heeding natures call, I’m fresh out of Korans. Is it ok to just assume they’re terrorist midgets and attack them first?
No, just yell “death to america!!!” if they respond back with anything anti-american they are either hippies, commies, or terrorist midgets. Kill the either way, you’ll be helping the world
So if we expose ourselves in front of children while looking for midgets we’ll be advancing the cause of homeland security? Eeww . . .
Simply hand out bacon instead of candy! Better yet, hand out chocolate covered bacon, so we can deny them their 70 midget virgins too!
You know, the satirical paper, The Onion (which is headquartered in my state), ran something similar in it’s most recent issue. The Onion is a pretty good paper. I think I’m going to go and re-read my favorite article: 911 Terrorists Surprised to find selves in Hell.
yeah, the onion is actually better than the local paper…its way too corrupt
the local paper that is
Some of the trick-or-treaters came with their parents. Some reason they didn’t seem to appreciate the security measures.
This is an awesome idea, yet there is one small problem that I foresee… sence we all live in a blatently Christian nation (or, atleat, should.. or else..) I dont know where I could even find a Koran much less urinate on one…
It doesn’t have to be a Koran it would make them just as mad if it was a horrible mocking of it….