buahahaha!! I love your fun trivia Frank, it’s one of my fave parts about IMAO (the pumpkin up top is cute too.)
Was is last year that you posted about how you scared your coworkers with the scarecrow or something outside your office? That still cracks me up when I think of it…the funny lives on in your readers Frank and company! Thanks!
Sorry Cadet Happy…didn’t mean to deny you the credit for this particular funny…smacking self in head must – remember – to note -bylines!!
And excellent point btw Army Guy!! I’m trying to be optimistic 🙂
I love that picture.
Of course W doesn’t take notes, but he’s got that look on his face like he’s thinking, “dang, I wish I could remember that tomorrow.”
“Thanks for giving me a reason to stop reading this crap.”
You’re welcome ilovew. Any reason to get a hippie feminazi such as yourself to leave is good enough for me. Don’t let the door hit you in the… you know the rest.
Let’s hope he forgets to take off the mask… maybe he’ll stay that way.
buahahaha!! I love your fun trivia Frank, it’s one of my fave parts about IMAO (the pumpkin up top is cute too.)
Was is last year that you posted about how you scared your coworkers with the scarecrow or something outside your office? That still cracks me up when I think of it…the funny lives on in your readers Frank and company! Thanks!
Sorry Cadet Happy…didn’t mean to deny you the credit for this particular funny…smacking self in head must – remember – to note -bylines!!
And excellent point btw Army Guy!! I’m trying to be optimistic 🙂
no hes not!! He’s going at the scariest thing he knows, Hillary Clinton. he told me during my evil right wing conspiracy meeting!
LOL. That one got me.
I predict Michael Moore’s “Ethiopian Supermodel” costume will be more successful.
I love that picture.
Of course W doesn’t take notes, but he’s got that look on his face like he’s thinking, “dang, I wish I could remember that tomorrow.”
nahhh hillary’s definitly scarier, and even funnier will the senate halloween party when she sees bush dressed like her…
That was hilarious.
Thanks for giving me a reason to stop reading this crap.
“Thanks for giving me a reason to stop reading this crap.”
You’re welcome ilovew. Any reason to get a hippie feminazi such as yourself to leave is good enough for me. Don’t let the door hit you in the… you know the rest.
“Thanks for giving me a reason to stop reading this crap.”
Ahh, don’t mention it…