
Well, if there was ever any doubt, Iran has publicly stated that they want to wipe Israel off of the map. Spain and France are protesting with uncharacteristically harsh words directed at Israel…
I mean Iran. Heh. Just got in the habit of those two countries yelling at Israel when other countries threaten their existence. Silly habit of mine. Sorry about that.
Anyway, this Iranian death-threat seems somewhat harsh, considering they won’t even send their judo champion up against his Jewish opponent in the Olympics. If they shy away from a sissy Japanese slap-fight, imagine how they’d act in a war against a real opponent.
(And, no I’m not talking about Saddam’s Iraq in the eighties. We gave him hand-me-down worn-out secondhand boom-booms so he could more easily cull his own troublesome Shi’ite population as cannonfodder.)
I figure the solution to this whole IAEA/Islamic Bomb nonsense will involve the Russians outsourcing technical support for the nuclear reactors they’re building for the Iranians to India.
All it takes is just a slight Chernobyl-style problem with the control rods sticking, and…
IRAN: Help! Help! Help!
RECORDING: Your call is important to us. Please stay on the line and your call will be answered in the order it was received.
IRAN: Help! Help! Help!
RECORDING: While waiting, you can check our Knowledge Base and Technical Support Library at
IRAN: We can’t! We block websites hosted by the Zionist Aggressor Enemy! Help! He-
(five minutes later)
INDIA: Hello? This is be Samuel. With whom be I speaking to? Hello? Are you is there speaking, hear me?
IRAN: (silence)
INDIA: Hello? Please volume turn up on phone yours to be.

Problem solved, update your RISK maps with a big hole where Persia used to be.
So, who wants borscht?


  1. Anybody remember that news link a couple of months back where some Japanese company (was it Hitachi?) is selling a mini-reactor to some town in Alaska?
    It may be an interesting twist on this idea.
    Help Desk: “You call back later, Eddie’s father be here then.”

  2. Ha! And for once the outsourced Indian customer service works in our favor!
    But I do resent your calling judo a sissy Japanese slap-fight. Okay, it is Japanese, but there’s no slapping involved, and it’s the karate and Tae-kwon-do guys who’re sissies. Trust me, I’ve done them all. The first time a boxer or some such eats the floor at high speed or feints from lack of blood to the brain, they go all wussy on you.

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