It’s Official: Spike Lee Blew Up NO Levees!

I know what you are thinking. You think I am nuts and how could I know this?
But I think it is fairly obvious that the movie director is personally responsible for blowing up NO levees.
VIA Newsbusters, he said on Real Time with Bill Maher and I quote

‘Exactly. It’s not far-fetched. And also I would like to say it’s not necessarily blow it up.’

Did you catch that?
I’m officially calling the ‘Gulity Dog Barks First’ rule of “Who farted?” fame.
Nation of Islam leader Farrakhan may have said that Bush blew up the levees, leaving Farrakhan the odds on favorite for the ‘guilty dog barking’ title for the levees blowing up, if they were blown up.
But Lee said ‘not necessarily blow it up’ so if the evidence shows that the levees were ‘not necessarily blow’n up then suspect number one would be Spike Lee for NOT blowing them up!
One of them is a were-dog! And “Spike” is as good a name for a dog as any. The Tom and Jerry cartoonists agreed.


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