Should Think These Things Through More

A liberal was annoying me today, so I punched him in the gut and tried to stuff him down a storm drain. Only problem was that he got stuck. So, am I in trouble, or are there no laws about blocking storm drains… or would those laws apply to him?


  1. It depends on if it causes a flood in a primarily black neighborhood. Then you can just blame Bush and get Farrakhan on your side. Although, it may backfire and you will be known as a racist who caused the flood on purpose along with Karl Rove. Hmmm…tricky situation.

  2. Aren’t there building codes requiring storm drains be wide enough to pass Michael Moore? They would then be able to pass at least 2 standard liberals at a time without clogging.
    Storm drains not meeting code should be required to be retro-fitted with giant garbage disposals.
    Problem solved.
    Next question?

  3. Frank,
    When I read one sentence….ONE! and can’t stop chuckling for like 15 minutes, it was probably written by you.
    But I feel obligated to point out that you’re one sick puppy.
    Brian in San Diego…the sailor.

  4. Yeah, liberals are pretty annoying just by drawing breath. Oxygen pirates. I am working on a “liberal to liberal” translator that turns their idiotic gibberish into something that actually sounds as stupid to them as it does to me. I keep thinking that if they could comprehend how stupid they sound they would shut up.

  5. I think the proper procedure would have been to put him in a car and rig it up to drive off a bridge. Since you went with your risky storm drain scheme, you’re on your own.
    Speaking of storm drains reminds me of storms, which reminds me: now that Hurricane Wilma is a category 5 (thanks to Karl Rove’s eee-ville hurricane machine), do you and SarahK have plans to get the 7734 out of there? Check the storm track. Good luck, and be safe!

  6. Actually you’re lucky that he got stuck in the drain. If he had gone into the storm drain that would have been a violation of the Clean Water Act in that it would have, undoubtedly, created an oil sheen.

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