Happy birthday, Marines!
As usual, Malkin has more.
Actually, why do you even bother coming to this site?
Fine; I’ll get working on an In My World™.
UPDATE: Speaking of Marines, I just saw Tuesdays House last night. Just when I thought that show couldn’t get any better, they cast R. Lee Ermey as House’s father. Ooh-rah!
Thanks for all the killing, Marines!
Happy Birthday Marines!
I watch R. Lee Ermey on “Mail Call” all the time. He’s a cool guy! Watermelons fear him!
Happy 230th Sgt Joe ‘foo! OORAH!
The Gunny?? Holy crap, I’ve gotta start watching House!
Dear Marines, I don’t know if ‘spacemonkey’ really gives thanks for y’all killing all the nasty f***ers who hate us but I SURE DO; so may God Bless You (and watch your front sight).
Some friends and I met Ermey a few weeks back at a machinegun shoot near Louisville. He even growled to one of my buddies, “That’s how a girl shakes hands!”