San Francisco recently passed Proposition H, which bans the ownership of guns in homes and businesses.
I for one am comforted by the fact that San Francisco has taken this safety measure. Now when some big dude meets you along a dark street, you’ll know that it’s not a gun in his pocket. The downside of course is that he’s really happy to see you.
This has gotten me to thinking about Proposition H. Sure, it’s currently being challenged by the National Rifle Association (Motto: Don’t make us shoot you), but it doesn’t mean that some GOOD things can’t come from all of this.
I’d like to offer some…
Observations on Proposition H.
Health Insurance costs may not go down, but at least working conditions will be much better — for criminals.
It is finally easier to identify the criminals. They’re the ones with the guns. The victims are the ones lying in the pool of blood.
More good news. Most shootings will now be intentional.
Proposition H pitted two big players. The “No” side was supported heavily by the NRA. The “Yes” side was heavily supported by the Trauma Centers.
Guns are banned to all private citizens, except police officers. Citizens are still allowed to carry Super Soakers.
Note: All Super Soakers must sport a bright orange tip.
Given a choice between disarming a criminal and disarming legal gun owners — it’s better to screw the gun owners. They tend to vote republican.
Proposition H scored very well with people who had both bad eyesight and hemmoroids.
Reading the fine print we see that Prop H also changes the city motto to: Make Love Not War.
This is better than the old motto: Participate in cheap sex, not violence.
Now that there are no handguns for citizens, SF residents will have to fend off attackers with rape whistles, pepper spray, and sexually transmitted diseases.
Question: When the Village People tour San Francisco — do they have to disarm the Policeman?
Now, the city is working on a new education program for the criminal element. If only they KNEW it was illegal, then they would stop using guns.
Thug 1. Hey, I just learned today that carrying this weapon is illegal.
Thug 2. No way. Let’s throw these away and go play video games. My cousin has Grand Theft Auto.
Thug 1. Hey, doesn’t that encourage violence?
Thug 2. Only towards women.
The phrase Saturday Night Special now applies only prostitutes.
Gun owners will now be moving out. Which is good- those people are dangerous.
Gun exchange programs should prove to be pretty popular. In the past, cities have offered gift cards, video games, and even cash. The next few months should prove to be very interesting.
When the U.S. Navy visits, they’ll be given a chance to exchange their guns for similar items. Choices include, video games, gift cards, and Saturday Night Specials.
Proposition H? Makes it almost too easy to make “Preperation H” jokes. I’ll go out on a limb and predict a rise in crime in SF over the next few months/years. Morons.
RWD – Now your thug buddies can play video games AND terrorize the citizens of San Francisco.
(shameless plug alert)
Grand Theft Auto: San Francisco
Brian the sailor likes that last one 🙂
Will it still be legal to walk around with a fully-fueled chainsaw?
Guns still allowed in schools, government buildings, parks and churches? Sweet!
No Guns and no military in SF colleges or high school or city itself. They just asking to be taken over by French if they are careful.
No Guns and no military in SF colleges or high school or city itself. They just asking to be taken over by French if they are careful.
sorry for posting twice
This one should work out well for the Folks when the “Big One” hits out there and the streets are filled with the same cretens that we saw running loose in N’Awlins…these people can ugh…throw rubble at the bad guys…
Imagine this. The scene is biblical, and the Philistines are many. Goliath steps out ready to wipe out the puny warrior David who slips a sling out of his loincloth. Just as he stoops down to pick up a rock with which to fell the giant and save the good guys, a Israeli man in a lavender robe steps foward and demands that David give up his illegal weapon.
Well being law abiding ,he does -Goliath slays him and the Philistines wipe out all the Isrialites. Jesus is never born and Western civilization falls to the radical tribes to the East.
And so we should now understand the trouble we’re in today is directly related to sling control.
Why is anyone surprised? California is the home of Berkeley, the land of the moonbats. If you were expecting logic….well…
My favorite bumper sticker is: An armed society is a polite society.
Propositions A through G were total failures– but on the whole, I think Proposition H feels pretty good.
I don’t think you helped ’em, George – that original comment was in Chinese, not Japanese. 🙂
(Not sure what he’s talking about, though. Something about cars, and the first two characters of the second line are “Beijing.”)
When will the anti-gun freaks learn that!
Do this the next time someone challenges you that Guns are bad and kill people;
Start by obtaining a pen and then start (in a calm rational voice) explaining (not that it will do them any good) that dead is dead no matter what did the Deading and that you have this pen.
Set it on what ever flat surface may be available, and step dramatically back. Explain that this pen NOW has bad intentions and at any moment is going to, OF IT’S OWN ACCORD, fly off the, desk, car hood, bloody corpse, what ever you happened to have set it on and is going to KILL the person.
Keep saying “That’s right any second now it’s going to skewer you through the eye and roast you for dinner–”
When, after a few moments the inanimate pen shows no signs of ill will calmly pick it up and make a playful jab at the victim of this overwhelming empirical data.
Now talk to them as if they are two and ask “Now what did we learn?” The point of the whole show is to illustrate that it is the monkeyfaced, silly bed-wetting type behind the trigger that did the killing, NOT THE GUN! The gun was the tool of destruction.
I’ve killed things (birds :: sling-shot) with rocks but you don’t see people clamoring for rock control. The same argument goes for pens, at the end of your lesson (If you still feel in control of yourself) say ” I could have just as easily killed you with this pen as with a gun, the result would still be the same, death.”
Sounds like the beginning of a new IMAO tee. Something like “IMAO’s Advantages of Gun Control”. Gotta include the “Most shootings will now be intentional”.
Actually was it MA? I forgot, but even accidental shootings went up after they banned guns a few years ago.
Oh, and after “he’s really happy to see you” you need to add “Sounds like it should be called Preparation H, because you’ll need it”