With Fitzmas a bust and conservatives reenergized by the nomination of Alito, the Democrats needed to do something really futile and stupid to grab the attention of the American people and encourage their wacky base. Exclusive to IMAO, we have obtained a list of rejected political stunt ideas that happen to be ten in number:
10. Hold their breath until they turn blue if not given their way on judicial nominations.
9. Have Harry Reid wear a beard of bees during an entire meeting of the Senate.
8. Do a fully costumed production of The Sound of Music on the Capitol steps.
7. Hold a fundraiser where Ted Kennedy competes against a live pig in a hotdog eating contest.
6. Daring daylight liquor store robberies.
5. Jump a shark on water-skis.
4. Set Buddhist monks on fire in protest of Iraq war.
3. All Senate Democrat episode of Fear Factor.
2. Have Chuck Schumer train and then compete to win the Ultimate Fighting Championship.
And the number one rejected Senate Democrat stunt…
Anything rational.
The Democrats are trying to prevent their wacky base from witnessing the spectacle of them making absolute fools out of themselves trying to explain the connection between that indictment and pre-war intelligence on Iraq.
Here’s a thought: Perhaps we – the right-minded right – can supply all of our Republican senators with those Political Clue-Bats that were advertised on the Podcast. They can then proceed to wail upon the leftists until they see the Alito nomination as a positive move.
Who says politics can’t be fun?
Are clue-bats anything like The Player’s Club?
It is really sad that Senator Bill Frist’s cameras were turned off.
What a surpise-
The Democrats have decided to debate the Iraq war- again (apparently they still haven’t decided whether they were “for” it, or “against” it, or “for it before they were against it”). We’ve already had the debates- about one hundred times since 1998.
The bottom line is that this is just another political stunt. Remember Democratic Politics 101- When you don’t have any issues to discuss, throw dirt.
Legend has it the Nuclear option is really Sen Durbin screaming “I triple dog dare you!!” At least none of them featured Landrieu and Clinton filming Senate gone wild featuring Teddy “the swimmer” Kennedy
Their next move could be to put paper towels in the urinals in the senate mens room… oh wait I remembered they had them removed since no senator stands up to pee anyore
You forgot that they could also stage that other musical, “Springtime for Hill’ry and Germany.”
When I watched the press conference I swear I heard Reid say the decided on a closed session because the American people had a right to know.
Somethings are just a parody on their own.
The Sen-Dems had to do soemthing for their base. This was the best they could come up with. They are desperate and irrelevant, and they are figuring out that is has not been just a run of bad luck — they are finito.
“Follow me,” say the people who are too stupid to live.
Iran and Libya covet nuclear weapons, and they are not alone with that sentiment in that region. Qaddafi realized we would take him out if he succeeded so he turned over what he had, but Iran still demands nuclear war.
And the Democrats still want to debate the validity of the survival of our nation.
Time to buy an AK47 and 10,000 rounds of ammo.
This war is just gaining steam and the left demands defeat.
My problem with this is why are they wasting our time (AND TAX DOLLARS!!!) on reiterating all their previous whining over something they can’t do anything about. Freaking-A! Why can’t they just do their Freaking JOBS!!!
Aren’t there laws to be voted on and papers to be signed or something????
I was really disappointed when they all emerged unscathed. I was hoping that the Rs had beat the living $417 out of the Ds. Too bad the Governator isn’t a Senetator.
Really they could have taken a film crew into an abortion clinic and filmed the happy occasion of a woman “exercising her right to choose” instead of setting a Buddhist monk on fire (is than an exercise of the freedom of religion or speech?). I think the freedom of in utero infanticide is far more compelling than the freedom of religion or speech don’t you?
As stunts go, I’d say we haven’t seen anything out of the demo’s yet. I believe we’ll start seeing more outrageous ones because they’re starting to face the reality that they’re losing their grip on the American mind. (Praise Almighty God!!!) I think when the reality of the newest supreme court nominee hit them, they panicked and once again have shown their true colors, which are mostly a bunch smears.
Reid said something in his press conference last night about the American people finally getting to know the truth of what led to the war in Irag. Hmm…I guess he slept thru some embassy bombings in Tunisia, the USS Cole bombing, 2 different bombings on the WTC and a bunch of others I didn’t mention. Who are they really kidding?
bunch OF smears. Sorry.
Didn’t Fonzie jump a shark on water skis?
How old am I?
I don’t see the Democrats losing any grip.
Maybe my left wing friends are just nuts, but they ALL buy this stuff hook, line and sinker. “Prez lied people died” and all that crap. They still persist in believing Wilson and that Nigerian docs were forged. They still believe the war was for oil and “to get revenge for Saddam putting a contract out on his dad”
The average Dem I know is a raving, frothing at the mouth, hateful moonbat. So, I look at europe, look at my democrat friends, and the history of the Roman empire, British , etc, and I am actually kinda frightened for the future of this country.
You know that it just absolutely boggles their itty bitty minds that the American people are not ignorant any more and that we don’t buy their crap anymore. YEAH George!
That would make an interesting philisophical debate: When did the dems jump the shark? You’d have to divide the question up into eras, otherwise you’d have to reach back to that senator caning a guy way back in the 19th century, if not back to 64(?) when they did their best to keep civil rights discussions out of their national convention.
The republicans almost jumped the shark on this Miers thing. That was stupid (all the haranguing, that is.)
Was’t jumping a shark Ted’s excuse for going into the drink with Mary Joe?
Greg Zywicki —
Wasn’t the caning thing between a Republican and a Federalist??? I don’t remember what year it was, but it was when Adams (the first) was President….so it might have been 18th century, though it could have bene 19th.
Yea what’s up with those dems we all know it was to get those weapons of mass destruction that Saddam was going to use against us. I’m glad we captured those weapons and have them locked away. Stupid dems. The bombers of the U.S.S. Cole were Iraquis, the attackers of the twin towers were probably Iraquis and the people who we liberated are probably Iraquis. Stupid dems.
oh I forgot the list is funny Frank.
Hey patrick, check out louis freh’s book ‘my fbi’
clinton did not want to know that the iranians were behind the khobar towers bombing. it would take a grown up to deal with a problem like that, and bj’s are more fun.
freehdom isn’t freeh
Namelss I don’t get your point.
Nameless, Ronald Reagan didn’t didn’t know they were going to bomb the marine barracks in Beruit either but he had warning that it was possible, read Rogue Warrior and you will know.