Humor, courtesy of The Onion. Inane quotes, courtesy of the ever loyal sheep. BAAAAAAA!!!!! [Frank’s Troll Tips: General attacks such as “You are all dumb,” are unlikely to get many response. Try to attack a specific viewpoint posing questions to get more attention. Remember: I’m here to help.]
Making fun of sheep now Alexander? If we are sheep, we’re black sheep, and that makes you a racist. A filthy, sandbagging racist. The ACLU may revoke your membership for this.
It is nice that he visits us so frequently, but isn’t the carpet and upholstery cleaning getting a bit cost-prohibitive. Even with that fat PJM paycheck rolling in.
Today’s Democratic party couldn’t find a platform plank with both hands, a compass, a map, OnStar, GPS, a guide dog and a Boy Scout. (oh, that’s right they wouldn’t touch a Boy Scout with a 10 foot pole- after all Boy Scouts are all nasty homophobic, bible thumping, goodie two shoes who are brainwashed into being thrifty, loyal, brave, clean, reverent ect. Who would want their son or brother to grow up like that, when they could be drug dealing, STDspreading, teenage unmarried fathers who depend on democrat programs like Welfare and Foodstamps.)
I don’t think most members of the Democratic party leadership live on the same planet as I do. If they do, maybe it was their use of mind altering drugs as youths that is responsible for the difference in what they see to what I see.
Or maybe they’re just crazy!
Alex! Where’ve you been, man? We missed you! It’s hard for us sheep to graze on you vegetation when you appear so sporadically. Your opinions sustain us. There now, see? You aren’t totally useless.
Humor? This article was serious. And to top things off, some more intensely thought out commentary by the superior intelect of Alex, the man who knows more than we ever want to know about sheep….
Hey ya’ll I read daily but am usually too lazy to post.
However I do some chairatible work lambasting lib go-tards on various forums from time to time (to which I’ve been known to ‘acquire’ some materials froim this very site. I have recently gotten a responce from some negatitive lefty who needs som correctin’. They for some reason think the Dems have a platform… dolts
Anyone wanna lend a hand?
If so email me and I’ll point you in the direction.
I am disappointed to see that Frank J has sold out to that evil Puppy Blender.
I would like to know what is the reason behind InstaPundit linking so much,and Frank. J. trying to be serious.
What next “indeed”?
We can only hope. I dream of a day when the dhimmicrats finish a distant 3rd to the party to be named later.
Humor, courtesy of The Onion. Inane quotes, courtesy of the ever loyal sheep. BAAAAAAA!!!!!
[Frank’s Troll Tips: General attacks such as “You are all dumb,” are unlikely to get many response. Try to attack a specific viewpoint posing questions to get more attention.
Remember: I’m here to help.]
Alexander, thanks for the traffic! We’ve missed your…um…whatever it is.
Making fun of sheep now Alexander? If we are sheep, we’re black sheep, and that makes you a racist. A filthy, sandbagging racist. The ACLU may revoke your membership for this.
“Inane quotes, courtesy of the ever loyal sheep. BAAAAAAA!!!!!”
Speaking of inane…
It is nice that he visits us so frequently, but isn’t the carpet and upholstery cleaning getting a bit cost-prohibitive. Even with that fat PJM paycheck rolling in.
Today’s Democratic party couldn’t find a platform plank with both hands, a compass, a map, OnStar, GPS, a guide dog and a Boy Scout. (oh, that’s right they wouldn’t touch a Boy Scout with a 10 foot pole- after all Boy Scouts are all nasty homophobic, bible thumping, goodie two shoes who are brainwashed into being thrifty, loyal, brave, clean, reverent ect. Who would want their son or brother to grow up like that, when they could be drug dealing, STDspreading, teenage unmarried fathers who depend on democrat programs like Welfare and Foodstamps.)
I don’t think most members of the Democratic party leadership live on the same planet as I do. If they do, maybe it was their use of mind altering drugs as youths that is responsible for the difference in what they see to what I see.
Or maybe they’re just crazy!
Alex! Where’ve you been, man? We missed you! It’s hard for us sheep to graze on you vegetation when you appear so sporadically. Your opinions sustain us. There now, see? You aren’t totally useless.
Humor? This article was serious. And to top things off, some more intensely thought out commentary by the superior intelect of Alex, the man who knows more than we ever want to know about sheep….
Hey ya’ll I read daily but am usually too lazy to post.
However I do some chairatible work lambasting lib go-tards on various forums from time to time (to which I’ve been known to ‘acquire’ some materials froim this very site. I have recently gotten a responce from some negatitive lefty who needs som correctin’. They for some reason think the Dems have a platform… dolts
Anyone wanna lend a hand?
If so email me and I’ll point you in the direction.
I am disappointed to see that Frank J has sold out to that evil Puppy Blender.
I would like to know what is the reason behind InstaPundit linking so much,and Frank. J. trying to be serious.
What next “indeed”?