An old nursery school rhyme says:
To defeat Hillary’s curse,
simply quote a Bible verse.
So why didn’t Hillary Clinton burst into flames when she brought up Jesus in defense of illegal immigrants?
She was careful to not use an exact Bible quote as she knew that meant instant death.
She was really referring to “Jesus” her illegal immigrant gardener.
Well, Satan can quote the bible to fit his (her?) purpose.
As a precaution though, she had a team of firefighters standing by with that cool flame retardant foam they use on airplanes. She also had on her asbestos skivvies.
Yeah, but was she P.C. enough to pronounce Jeasus, “Hey-Zues”? Or does Hitlery think Jeasus is just a cartonn charactor staue that adorns the dashboards of low riders?
I think she was paraphrasing and said “Jeebus”, like missionary Homer did in that Simpsons episode.
That wasn’t really Hillary, it was a cyborg. Since their was no soul to worry there was really no problem. Even if it had been Hilllary, she’s already sold her soul to the devil so that’s not really a concern either.
Bad Seanmhair, bad, bad, bad,
Only getting ehr to say her name backwards will send her back to the fifth dimension where she belongs!