Demonstrating how far Europe has advanced since the end of World War II, Neo-Nazis are now threatening to slaughter Muslims at World Cup events.
Instead of calling them skinheads, perhaps it’s time to call them boneheads.
Why? Well…
“We are united. For the first time we are talking and planning together, with the English, the Germans, the Dutch, the Spanish, everyone with the same objective. At the World Cup there will be a massacre,” said the Italian ultra.
“We will all be in Germany and there will be Turks, Algerians and Tunisians. The Turks, we can’t stand them. In our country (Italy) there are not many, but in Germany, there are many of those guys there. They are Islamic terrorists.
“We will attack them. They are all enemies that need to be eliminated, just like the police. If we make the Roman greeting (the fascist salute) they put us in prison. We will be tens of thousands. Nothing but the English are feared.”
So they’re going to go out in large groups and attack Muslims? Talk about the fallacy of planning for the last war… sheesh! Next thing you know, you’ll brand numbers on their wrists, make them sew crescents to their shirts and build BMW engines in work camps.
How dreadfully Forties. Been there, done that, and Iran’s denied it time and time again.
Come on, guys. Everybody knows that all you need to do is publish a bunch of cartoons mocking Mohammed and the Muslims will riot and kill themselves by the dozens.
And there’s the added advantage that it pits your enemies against each other – police in riot gear vs. rioting Muslims.
No wonder why they lost World War Two.
That’s pretty naÔve of you to use the word skinheads like that. But I guess that’s what to expect when you get your information on subcultures from the liberal media. Skinheads have called the racist skins “boneheads” for years (they usually call themselves “skullheads”–oooohhhh, scarrry), so at least you’re on to something, if not just behind the times. Anyway, just to give credit where it’s due, you should check out the SHARPS, the world’s largest affilition on anti-racism skinheads.
Oh, so now I see the bit about how to put in a hyperlink. You made good points about the islamofascist tendency to destroy themselves when left to their own devices, but since I was put off by your stereotyping of skinheads, I’ll just point out to the world how much less clever you are than Frank J. There, I said it! We were all thinking it!
Uhhhh, dude. FIRST, are you OK? on any meds or anything? Or is this a sarcastic post?
World War Two will be over when I say it’s over!!
Do you think if the Italian nazi’s attack the muslims in Germany and the muslims retailate on Germany, do you think that the German government will say, “OH, so THAT’s the extreme insanity in the the Religion of Peace the conservatives in America were warning us about. We thought they were exaggerating.” Then again I’m sure that like the Danish Cartoons, the muslims will decide it’s all the fault of America and attack our embassies for it.
You know if the skinheads do start something and the muslims do retailate on them…I’m gonna sit back with some popcorn to enjoy the show; it’ll be the first time I’ve ever been interested in the WCG.
//World War Two will be over when I say it’s over!!
Posted by A. Hitler at March 22, 2006 01:00 PM //
DUDE! yer supposed to be dead!! What! did they freaking clone you?!?!? And how did you learn about the internet!? Damn Captain Kirk for this!! I’ll be Elvis is in on it too!
Completely nonsensical post. Share and Enjoy.
What an incredibly foolish sentiment, and to think that it’s coming from a European…
The term “bonehead” has been used to describe Neo nazis for some time, but having hung out with groups like SHARP (Skin-heads against racial prejudice), the Straight-Edge movement, and other anti-racist & non-racist groups, I can say that most of these groups are all pretty much facist, even if they claim to be opposed to the follically-challenged boneheads. Any time you have a sub culture issuing threats, it’s a pretty good sign that you have a bunch of people who are willing to forego their induviduality. Extremism is extremism, regardless if it’s Islamic or Facist, and it rarely has any point other than spreading hatred.
Oddly enough, I thought many terrorists were Nazi sympathizers. Maybe we should get the Islamic terrorists and the Facist/Nazi skins together at a soccer stadium & let ’em have it out. It’d be like a self-cleaning oven!
“Nothing but the English are feared.”
why are the english feared? because they have hot tea?
“. . .groups like SHARP (Skin-heads against racial prejudice), the Straight-Edge movement, and other anti-racist & non-racist groups, I can say that most of these groups are all pretty much facist. . .”
Are you serious? I happen to be StraightEdge and resent being called a fascist. sXe is about thinking for yourself and not being a slave to addition and chemical influence that distorts reality and causes you to lose control of yourself. That’s pretty much the opposite of being “willing to forego their induviduality”. And I see some other people are confused, so to clarify: I’m not sticking up for neo-Nazis (skins or otherwise), I was just trying to point out that the word skinhead is not synonymous with neo-Nazi, so don’t be prejudiced against the whole group for something some fascists might have said.
Ha ha, I said “slave to addition”. No, the problem isn’t math, it’s addiction.
Take the skinheads bowling, take them bowling!
Sounds like you’re livin’ the dream, co. Maybe if you were to read without looking for a reason to be offended, you might see that I wasn’t saying all skins or sXe folks were mindless by any means; in fact, it does take a measure of personal strength to be a skin in the SW or ANY part of the USA (since the general consensus here is that boots & braces = a racist), or to live a life of abstinance and say no to things that are bad for you. I applaud those whose personal convictions are strong enough that they would essentially make themselves a target for others who don’t know what it’s about. I was referring to group extremists & gangs, not personal ideals.
I was sXe & an anti-racist skin for many years, so thank you for trying to enlighten me, but I’m pretty sure I know where I’m coming from.
Yep, that would be the right wing for you.
The Mann Coultures of this world would rather kill those deemed different then try to accept the fact that their are other religions out their.
the nazi/baptists in our own contry are growing in size as well. My solution; invade West Virginia.
Yep, that would be the right wing for you.
The Mann Coultures of this world would rather kill those deemed different then try to accept the fact that their are other religions out their.
the nazi/baptists in our own contry are growing in size as well. My solution; invade West Virginia.
Did you want to say it a third time? Maybe then you’ll have a point.
ep, that would be the right wing for you.
The Mann Coultures of this world would rather kill those deemed different then try to accept the fact that their are other religions out their.
the nazi/baptists in our own contry are growing in size as well. My solution; invade West Virginia.
Nope, still pointles, and the spelling is getting worse. Time for a nap, sty.
(pointless) Guess I need one, too!
Psst — Y’know those Danish cartoonists “in hiding?” They’re beneath the bleachers channeling an American expert for some WEAPONS GRADE cartoons!
Hush… Don’t tell… It’s a SECRET.
But by wiping out MooseLimbs, aren’t they eliminating their biggest ally in their fight to exterminate the Jooooos?
Nazis vs. Muslims? In an all out rumble? Someone ought to tape that and put it on Pay Per View! Now that’s entertainment!
I’d pay real folding money. Buckets.
Lawn chair. Cold one. Let em rip.
ieww what a scummy move by the bbqalan girl. troll elsewhere creature!
What the hell is going on in this thread?
//What the hell is going on in this thread? //
I think we’re all rooting for the neo nazis and the mooselimbs to kill each other, Veeshir.
I, for one, am SHOCKED!!!!!
A skinhead that can read? Who knew?
I never thought I’d say this, but…
Go Neo-Nazis!!!
God, you people are a bunch of dullards! Have you even bothered to question the validity of the story in the first place? Is it because you fellate Yahoo without question? When the World Cup takes place and those terrible skinheads are all at home or elsewhere not knowing they are supposed to be killing people, you guys are going to look like a bunch of retards!
i never understood how nazis and anti semites
call themselves christian or white christians
when scripture states that we should love the jew as our brother.
also,jesus himself was jewish.
it’s not just a matter of the christian identity
being a racist front,it’s also a matter of ill