Support the Separation of Church and Murder!

Tolerance shouldn’t be a substitute for convictions, and many people are starting to realize that the backwards beliefs of Islam need to be attacked themselves – even if it isn’t “nice” to speak against religious beliefs. To make money off this movement, I’ve come up with three designs so you can show you support the separation of church and murder.
Buy now, or I’ll taunt you for being a coward!


  1. Hey, Salo: you can always say it’s an ironic thing. Seriously, I was hanging around at a music festival here in Seattle, and a guy was wearing something that looked suspiciously like a George W. Bush shirt. A vendor actually applauded him for wearing a daring shirt in what is obviously a liberal city. They guy replied that the vendor misunderstood: it was actually an anti-Bush shirt. :p

  2. What’s with all the words? If you can’t say it with a picture, our kids in publik skools won’t know what it’s about.
    And where’s the Spanish version for “undocumented workers”?

  3. Hey, El Santo, did that shirt have Dubya giving a peace sign, and read “Bet you’ll vote next time Hippie!”? …I’ve noticed lots of Bush-haters wearing that one….hippies mostly….I really don’t get the appeal for them…

  4. I have to agree with spacemonkey, there should be some graphical content (at least the IMAO log) to go along with all the verbage on these shirts….

    As an extreme right-wing graphic artist, just giving some free advice.

  5. Tristan:
    Naw, it looked like a pro-Bush election placard (You know, the “W ’04” one), but it had the insults in small print. I can’t remember what it was, but I think it was a play on the letter “W.”

  6. //It’s not like anyone was ever killed in the name of christianity, right?//
    To which FrankJ responded in his editorial “But that was very long ago and went against the principles of Christianity and thus is condemned.”
    You know FrankJ said in his editorial that “the moral retard who equivocates everything” would bring up this point. Once again Frank is proved correct by the trolls.

  7. Leo,
    I’m still trying to get the hang of this whole “moral equivilancy” thing that you seem to have mastered, so can you help me with this?
    You lumped all Christians together for being responsible for past atrocities, regardless that these were done by a select few and have long been condemned and confessed, but singled out the islamoFASCISTS for the current mess.
    My question is do we have to wait a couple hundred years before we can finally and openly call islam a religion of murder and oppression, much like the MSM calls Christianity now?
    Or can we say it now since we aleady know how the story will play out?
    Just curious since you liberals are so much smarter then the rest of us, just like you keep saying…

  8. Just because liberals never actually read the Quran, doesn’t mean the Katie Courics of the world can’t praise the Muslims as loving and peaceful people. This despite the fact that by page three it’s already talking about the death of all us infidels.

  9. Anotherspec,
    Uhm…You may want to reread what I wrote…My point (or FrankJ’s point I was reffering to) is exactly the opposite of what you think I meant, mostly.
    Regarding your other statement, I know a few muslims and they aren’t to keen on what goes on in the Middle East (that’s why they moved here). That is the reason I singled out islamofacists. All muslims aren’t killers, just like all christians didn’t participate in the inquisition.

  10. //Regarding your other statement, I know a few muslims and they aren’t to keen on what goes on in the Middle East //
    Yeah but they sure were quick to vote Democrat; all the Muslim ladies I worked with in Tennessee wanted Al Gore to win and all the Somali Muslims in my Blue state apartment building had Kerry signs all over the brand new minivans given to them by the state.
    I know,I know what was I thinking moving to a Blue state….

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