Frank Solves ANWR Debate

Here’s an idea to solve the debate about drilling in ANWR: Just go ahead and do it and don’t tell anyone about it. What’s the likelihood of anyone venturing up to the northernmost reaches of that wasteland and noticing?


  1. I live in Berkeley, where hippies have been sitting in trees for months to stop a small grove from being cut down. I have no doubt that there are already dozens of hippies up in ANWR chained to caribou or something.

  2. I think that the only ones who might notice are polar bears. I say that we off all the polar bears, then start the drilling.<
    Don’t worry, the wheels are in motion … aren’t we already floating all the polar bears away on AGW-created icebergs? I suspect the hand of Rove in this……

  3. We start secretly drilling, then if the hippies show up and start chaining themselves to stuff, we wait until the end of winter, and remove their corpses. If you don’t eat meat in the Arctic, you don’t survive the cold.
    Dead hippies, more oil, more caribou (they love oil pipelines you know), everyone wins.

  4. I have no doubt that there are already dozens of hippies up in ANWR chained to caribou or something.Heh. If that were true, the hippies would soon be demanding heating oil to keep their carcasses from freezing to the tundra!

  5. I have no doubt that there are already dozens of hippies up in ANWR chained to caribou or something. Although, that does call up a humorous picture in the mind’s eye!
    “Hey, Edgar! Is that caribou poop hanging off’n that caribou?”
    “Nah! Just another hippie!”

  6. On my last visit to the great state of Alaska, my travels took me from “top to bottom,” often along the pipeline. Caribou were grazing by it. Bears were romping on top of the buried sections. Birds were making nests on it. In some areas, you can walk up to the pipeline, touch it, and hear the oil of self-sufficiency whoozing through. A little displacement of wildlife will not hurt in the long run. They’re much more resilient than whiney-azzed humans.

  7. In all honesty, I stopped laughing about this a while ago. I am getting seriously ticked about this. I’m sick and tired of these liberal idiots saying drilling isn’t a short-term solution and that “We can’t drill our way out of this.” Horse hockey! And waiting years for alternative energy to develop is short-term? I don’t think so!
    Drill here!
    Drill now!
    Pay less!

  8. It’s a mind-set that we have to fight. Oh, I don’t mean the anti-ANWR folks’ mindset – I mean the mindset of the drilling companies. I’ve worked for them. It is so permit-laden that you can’t believe it. It is at the part where you can’t do diddly-squat without a permit. Yes, I mean that: you have to have several permits in order to provide port-o-potties.
    It’s been a long time since drillers have operated freely. I wonder what kind of trauma they would experience by just…..drilling. Without permits.
    They’d probably have to add a shrink to their staff.

  9. Isn’t there an old adadge that goes something like It’s easier to apologize than get permission?1 Which to me says go ahead and drill here, drill now , pay less and we’ll sort out the fines etc later. And in regards to the permit laden drilling….any thoughts as to how much all that red tape adds to the price of a barrel of black gold?! How about at the pump?! If they lifted the regulations we could probably eliminate a couple of years from the time it will take to git pumpin’ !

  10. Hippies Will not come all the way to the north slope to stop drilling. Not enough of their Hippy friends will see them protesting. so they won’t feel quite so self important. I think they care more about looking like they care then they actually do care.

  11. Haven’t all the polar bears gone south because of global warming anyway?
    Not to be cruel, but I love the idea of frozen treehuggers.
    I’m pissed that McCain won’t open up to ANWAR. He compares it to the GrandCanyon…Can’t remember the last time someone came home with vacation pictures from ANWAR. I think he must have made a deal with the devil…I mean democrats… to support such a silly thing.

  12. Hold the polar bears down and drill through their heads to get the oil.
    I hear they have special fur that will sop up any spills.
    And even if it doesn’t work, and the oil spills anyway, it’ll piss off the hippies.

    1. That story looks interesting. Try again. Use the format on the preview page.
      In the comments box replace the letters URL in the example with the file you’re trying to link to. Type in a phrase like ‘polar bears’ where it says hyperlink text.
      Hit preview again to see if it linked successfully before you post.
      I figured it out by trial and error but it can be done!
      (Jeez! look at me! I just learned how myself today and I’m already giving advice to others!)
      Good luck.
  13. The only reason that I would hurt a hippie, is if he barged into my house to steal my incandescent bulbs and my S/W .45.
    In the event that said hippie dies due to his own actions, I bear no responsibility, and frankly I could not care less.
    Well actually I would like to punch him first.

  14. We should just ship all the hippies up to ANWR and see how long it stays “pristine!” That would especially benefit us. It would be really difficult for the hippies to vote from that far away. We could also start drilling in all the places that the hippies used to be! Huzzah!

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