Our new movement needs a theme song. I know someone suggest Johnny Cash’s “God’s Gonna Cut You Down”, and I think that is pretty good. The obvious idea, though, is the theme song to Team America. And I always like Drowning Pool’s “Bodies”. What other suggestions do you have?
“You’re the Best (around)” by Joe Espisito. Awesome song, fitting for the fight ahead, and the song gets you really pumped up. Just saying.
Personally, I’m partial to this as a prospect for your new theme song: G.W.F.Y.U.
I just stumbled (because I’m drunk and waving a gun) across your site upon the recommendation from a friend of mine over at To The Point http://www.tothepointnews.com
I gotta tell you, I love it here, too.
I can tell I am among friends and fellow right-wing gun nuts. If you don’t mind, I think I’ll stay a while.
Mitch Rapp
“Heavy Metal” (Sammy Hagar)
Rush, Tom Sawyer.
Is that troll I smell?
I say a Megadeth’s “United Abominations” since we now have an Obamanation in office.
Dude. “We’re Not Gonna Take It” – Twisted Sister
LOL I gotta ask fellow troll lets say there was a big war between Republicans and Democrats, who would win it?
Try this one, metal AND french horns.
The chorus of Creeping Death.
BTW, if the DU crowd gets called DUmmies, are we now RUmmies? I’d love to litter the streets with corpses and business cards reading: “These hippies choked the the RUmmie Strangler!!”
I have two big dogs, even. It’d be an exaggeration to call either of them Chomps, though. More like “Licks” and “Wags”. But I’m sure Obama will eventually piss them off bad enough to turn to the dark side.
Back in Black – ACDC
I sing the team America theme song to myself everyday. It could be like our code phrase.
3 other sugestions I have for theam music:
Shotgun: By Jr. Walker and the Allstars.
Or Comfort Eagle: by Cake. Eventhough it does seem to go with Obama better.
For me this movement is all about punching hippies. The best song to do that is Peace Train: by Cat Stevens. That always gets me in the mood.
I don’t recall the name of the song, but how about the song that made the alien heads explode from “Mars Attacks”? After all, what’s more alien than a lib head?
Maybe I’m just old fashioned, but what about the Battle Hymn of the Republic? Gets the point across, celebrates the legacy of the first Republican President, good beat, natural marching song, ect. What’s not to like?
Down With the Sickness – Disturbed
Let’s just use the A-Team theme.
Bloodrock – DOA.
I am partial to Creeping Death, though.
+1 Battle Hymn of the Republic.
Although I like the Down With The Sickness nod, too. Especially if we use that lounge lizardy version that was in the Dawn of the Dead remake.
I could go with
* Knock you out
* The Devil went down to Georgia (Obama went down to Georgia he was lookin’ for some money to steal…)
* Theme song to The A-Team
* Don’t fear the reaper
* You’ve got a friend by James Taylor
We could use this:
No troll here. I swear upon the graves of Edmund Burke and John Moses Browning. While I violated the rules of decorum by throwing down someone else’s website, my only intention was to establish my bona fides with you as true conservative.
Scout’s Honor.
– Mitch Rapp
* Knock you out
Is that “Mama Said Knock You Out” by LL Cool J? ‘Cause that would be a good one, too.
“Don’t call it a comeback, I’ve been here for years….”
+2 Battle Hymn of the Republic.
Or the good old fashioned Star Spangled Banner. The libs aren’t gonna use it.
Lordi’s “Blood Red Sandman” (I’ve always believed that as Conservatives we should embrace the fear the left has for us.)
Gravedigger’s “The Terrible One” (A song about a strongman rising in the midst of chaos to restore order in a rather brutal but nesscary way.)
Carfax Abbey’s “Right as Reign” (It maybe a little too brutal but hell it’s catchy.)
Gothminister’s “The Calling” (Rallying the troops with Norwegian goth metal.)
Korn’s “Its Me Again” (Maybe a little too appropiate…)
Any of those would kick-ass, let us know of your choice Frank J.
i dunno marco, are we awesome enough to dare use anything about chuck norris? we would be risking much
“Don’t Tread On Me” – Metallica
“Critical Acclaim” – Avenged Sevenfold
“Indestructible” – Disturbed
If we use the Battle Hymn of the Republic, we have to use the cool original one that ends with “As he died to make men holy, let us die to make men free” instead of the pansy-ass new version that says “As he died to make men holy, let us live to make men free.”
* The James Bond Theme – wenching, drinking, and shooting commies, all to a swank brass section.
* The Imperial March – choking smelly space hippies and dancing teddy bears with the power of one’s mind.
* anything Fred Thompson sings in his shower.
* The one that goes “From the halls of Montezuma, to the shores of Tripoli…”
* “Gonna Fly Now” and “Eye of the Tiger” – risin’ up!
I’m putting together a playlist right now. It will be listed on the iPod as “face-rocking”. I just hope that FRED! doesn’t shoot me for trying to get a tape of him singing in the shower.
“I Won’t Back Down” – Johnny Cash
Thanks Rick – I should have specified that myself. But then again, to REAL conservatives, is there any other version we would prefer? If there is one single cause on Earth worth dying for, it’s to free yourself or your fellow man from bondage. Only a liberal would think that ideal is ‘too confrontational’ for a patriotic song.
REM: It’s the End of the World as we Know it
Eh, Chuck kinda lost a little bit of the awesomeness when he endorsed that guy from Arkansas. Not a lot, mind you. But he’s certainly less awesome than Teh Fred.
OH – and “The Shot Heard ‘Round the World” from the old Schoolhouse Rock. We need to raise our kids right. We can just sing “hippie” or “commie” instead of “British.” But keep the ending:
God Bless America, let freedom ring!
Rick, I must learn the name of the needle-dick who screwed with BHotR lyrics. That person has an appointment with PAIN.
Nightfly: “The one that goes “From the halls of Montezuma, to the shores of Tripoli…”
That’s the Marine Corps Hymn there buddy. I’ll let that one slide, but be warned, a lot of other jarheads will go upside your head for forgetting that 🙂
Imperial March would be good. What about liberals=sh!t by Slipknot? Or Laid to Rest by Lamb of God
Pretty much anything by these guys: http://www.therightbrothers.com
“Lake of Fire” Meat Puppets or Nirvana version
Mitch, something must have gone temporarily wrong with FormerHostage’s sniffer.
Audio of Fred Thompson saying “I’m not doing hand shows.”
The Trooper, Iron Maiden
The Rage, Judas Priest
Never Say Die!, Black Sabbath
Battery, Metallica
We’ve Only Just Begun, The Carpenters
Some Stupid Tomorrow, Type O Negative
Perfection or Vanity, Dimmu Borgir (no lyrics, it would just be an awesome theme song for the Republican Underground)
When the levee breaks led zep
Stars and Stripes (by the Boston Pops, really loud and chest thumping. With lots and lots of fireworks. Who’s gonna be the fireworks chairperson? Huh? I wanna march. Big time.)
i suggest that the obamabots use Riot, three days grace
i have been singing “the crying game” to myself the last couple of days. and it seems wholely apprpriate for the next 4 yrs!
Achilles Last Stand, led zep
Whose side are you on Dropkick murphys
california uber alles dead kennedys
ride the lightning metallica
Pick a scary attack tune by someone that shares these values, eh? Like umm…Ozzie?
motorbreath metallica
nooo i know
seek and destroy, metallica
Ready To Die by Andrew WK
But “Bodies” by Drowning Pool works well, too.
Scots Wha Hae
Neocon by Offspring:
MarkoMancuso: Chuck got all of his badassery when he cut this.
(Notice the sign in the background that states we don’t call 911)
Aack, someone beat me to “Don’t Tread on Me”.
How about “Damage, Inc.” by Metallica?
Perhaps “My Jekyl Doesn’t Hyde” by Ozzy.
Couple of Megadeths: “Liar”, or “Hook in Mouth”
I still say BHotR. Or the Star Spangled Banner.
For a fighting song? Well, maybe we should get someone to write something cool and hippy punching.
Burke?! Browning?! A ‘tard troll ain’t smart enough to throw that in, either that or you gotz some mad google skilz! Either way…no need for pistols at dawn. I withdraw the insinuation.
That’s not a euphemism is it?
What? Almost 60 posts and no mention of the ‘Airwolf’ theme song?
How about the marching song the Wicked Witch’s guard sang in the Wizard of OZ? We can march down the street in step with a stuffed winged monkey on a pole at the front while singing….
Ohhh weee ohhh.
Weeeeee oh.
Or we just get a bunch of leather shields and short spears like in the movie Zulu and do that battle chant but instead of “Zulu” we chant “Reagan”
Scott F – thanks man. Just suffering brain cramp.
Damage Inc. or Metal Militia(remake?) – Metallica, actually just about anything from their earlier albums.
Cyndi Lauper “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun”
Warren Zevon “Werewolves of London”
The Who “Won’t Get Fooled Again”
ABBA “Dancing Queen”
Queen “Bicycle”
Steppenwolf “Born to Be Wild”
The Beatles “Tax Man”
The Beatles “Back in the U.S.S.R.” wait…that’s Obama’s theme song…never mind that one
J. Geils Band “Centerfold”
I’m good with any of those.
The 1812 Overture, finale. It has freakin’ cannons and church bells in it, if performed properly. The song was written in celebration of the Russians beating back the French (#1 positive – beating the French), we get freedom of worship with the church bells (#2 positive), and we get freakin’ cannons (#3, 4, and 5 positives). This song allows us to blow stuff up! Blowing stuff up set to classical music is made of awesome – just look at Caddyshack, V for Vendetta, and Mythbusters as proof.
Anything that isn’t country. Country music, while often patriotic, would make us sound too much like the Rhinos.
Maybe Iron Man, but with no words. Or “They Came to Pluck The Rooster” since we ain’t gonna die, and more then a few of us probably have machine guns squirreled away.
1812 Overture (too commie? … but it’s got cannons!)
Another One Bites the Dust – Queen
Bring Me To Life – Evanescence
Simple Man – Charlie Daniels
The scariest, most inspiring music ever…
“Ride of the Valkyries”
Smells like victory!
“How You Gonna Keep ‘Em Down On The Farm, After They’ve Seen Paris?”
While most of us definitely aren’t worthy of this one (and I must admit, it always makes me cry):
Ballad of the Green Berets – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LH4-tOqLH94
Now You’re A Man (from Orgazmo) – probably not appropriate, but it just rules! – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oiXaT_1I-vw
Hail and Kill – Manowar – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CjhNWAo6DN8
Battle Hymn – Manowar – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s2bnKeUvKG0&feature=related
Invincible – Pat Benatar – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uJLCypVk1uQ
BHotR is always great. We need to PREVENT our nation’s theme from being Barry McGuire’s “Eve of Destruction,” and have to hope it doesn’t come down to Leonard Cohen’s “The Partisan” to fight off socialism.
Rebel Yell by Billy Idol, maybe.
ANYTHING Twisted Sister would be good, because Dee Snider stood up to Tipper Gore on behalf of free speech and against censorship. So did John Denver, but none of his songs are sufficiently defiant, even though he did a nice job defying the PMRC. And the aforementioned Dimmu Borgir did a good cover of “Burn in Hell.” ANYTHING Manowar would be good, too.
Our theme had better not ever be the theme from “Robin Hood: Men in Tights.”
The Batman theme might be good – not the old one, though. That’s even cheesier than Manowar, which is a hard feat to accomplish.
We also need a theme movie! Team America comes to mind, of course.
I agree with TFM. “We’re Not Gonna Take It”, Twisted Sister.
There are a few Hard Rock Christian songs that may work:
“Rebirthing” by Skillet
“Fireproof” or “Bring Me Down” or “For the Love of the Game” or “Throwdown” by Pillar
“Game On” by Disciple.
Doomsayer – Argyle Park
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MYuDXgOG34 – live, so hard to see and understand. Studio version kicks @ss.
Or Violent- Argyle Park
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e9eiszD0RZM&feature=related – studio, with Jurassic Park footage.
The GWFYU link earlier made me laugh so hard that the cat on the back of my office chair started hissing at me. I swear, if I never hear that song again, five years from now I’ll be arguing with a liberal and it will pop into my head and brighten my day.
There was a skit on Almost Live like 20 years ago called “Protest Songs of the Eighties”, where they sang a brief song called “I saw Jesus Heading for Hollywood and Boy Was He Pissed”.
Maybe something off “How Freedom Sounds” by Red State Update.
I’m partial to “Get yer @ss outta my store, hippie”, though I’ve not bought the CD to hear the full song yet.
All told, the Team America or Johnny Cash options Frank originally mentioned seem best, but you gotta at least consider a song with the words @ss and hippie in it.
Theme song for the IVotedforOers: Beatles’ Magical Mystery Tour
1812 Overture with 100,000 Mexicannons firing illegals back across the border being played 24/7, 365!!!
How about “Puberty Love” from “Attack of the Killer Tomatoes” or anything from Slim Whitman like in “Mars Attacks”. Anything that will make their heads explode.
“Dream” by Mahavishnu Orchestra The Lost Trident Sessions! The greatest Rock Jazz Fusion band EVER!
“The Battle” from the Gladiator, by Hans Zimmer.
ussjimmycarter, remember it was called Mexi-Cannon™, don’t forget frank’s trademark
BTW, we need more “frank the artist”
The Beautiful People.
Hah, I just thought of the perfect song!
“Headstrong” by Trapt
“Megalomaniac” by Incubus always plays in my head now when I see Obama:
Hey megalomaniac
You’re not Jesus
Yeah, you’re no f***ing Elvis
Special, as you know yourself, maniac
Step down
Step down
I’ve always been inspired by the theme song to Gilligan’s Island. After all, if not for the courage of the fearless crew, the Minnow (USA) would be lost. Oh, and there’s hot babes and a happy ending to!
Kid Rock – American Warrior!
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I like the theme to Indiana Jones Raiders of the Lost Ark.
#66 Mitch – Good idea. That’s also my ringtone.
Stars and Stripes Forever, by John Philip Sousa.
I say we us God Bless America.
Correct me if I just missed it, but 82 comments and no one’s thought of the Firefly theme song? What kind of underground are you guys? I know, it’s not totally bad*ss or anything, but really…
…it was 82 when I wrote that.
FormerHostage, I think under the Obamanation, those lyrics would be “Oh, we owe. We Owe…..”
Hmmm… How about one for Bill Clinton…
“Why Does It Hurt When I Pee?” Frank Zappa
Given that we are now a persecuted minority, “Breakin’ The Law” by Judas Priest is somewhat appropriate.
I can’t believe nobody else has suggested The Battle of New Orleans yet.
“…they ran through the briars and they ran through the brambles
and they ran through the bushes where a rabbit couldn’t go…”
Anything by Rage against the Machine, now that “the Machine” is run by socialists.
I like the irony.
I think PETA would get after us and be amazingly offended and vocal when we used the alligator as a cannon (someone else can powder his behind, TYVM). That makes The Battle of New Orleans a GREAT choice!
“One Way or Another”, Blondie.
“One way or another I’m gonna find ya
I’m gonna getcha getcha getcha getcha”
Plus, Debbi Harry was pretty hot.
+1 for Breaking the Law
I think the movement is over. I’m going to ask a Boy Scout to help me across the street!
Psychotic Reaction by Count Five
Genesis – “The Knife”
Tell me my life is about to begin
Tell me that I am a hero,
Promise me all of your violent dreams
Light up your body with anger.
Now, in this ugly world
it is time to destroy all this evil.
Now, when I give the word
get ready to fight for your freedom
Now –
Stand up and fight, for you know we are right
We must strike at the lies
That have spread like disease through our minds.
Soon we’ll have power, every soldier will rest
And we’ll spread out our kindness
To all who our love now deserve.
Some of you are going to die –
Martyrs of course to the freedom that I shall provide.
I’ll give you the names of those you must kill,
All must die with their children.
Carry their heads to the palace of old,
Hang them high, let the blood flow.
Now, in this ugly world
break all the chains around us,
Now, the crusade has begun
give us a land fit for heroes,
Now –
Stand up and fight, for you know we are right
We must strike at the lies
That have spread like disease through our minds.
Soon we’ll have power, every soldier will rest
And we’ll spread out our kindness
To all who our love now deserve.
Some of you are going to die –
Martyrs of course to the freedom that I shall provide.
We are only wanting freedom
We are only wanting freedom
We are only wanting freedom
We are only wanting freedom
We are only wanting freedom
We are only wanting freedom
We are only wanting freedom
Country music has a several good ones. Start with “Proud to Be an American” by Lee Greenwood, since lefties are, almost, by definition, ashamed to be Americans. There’s “Courtesy of the Red, White, and Blue” by Toby Keith, “Where the Stars and Stripes and the Eagle Fly” by Aaron Tippin (that one was mentioned by that obnoxious fat Canadian chick in her column a month or so ago). Irving Berlin’s “God Bless America” has the advantage of getting God into it, and the fact that it was written by an immigrant makes it even more meaningful.
Speak English or Die! by Stormtroopers of Death
Anybody going by the handle of Mitch Rapp does not have to explain their conservative credentials to me. I’ve read the books.
“Iron Man,” “Back in Black,” “We’re Not Gonna Take It,” all great choices. I’m trying to think of something original and non-regionally specific here…
“Revolution,” The Beatles. Yeah, I know, The Beatles were hippies that needed to be punched in the face, but hear me out:
“You say you’ve got a real solution, well you know, we all want to see the plan” (isn’t this what “The Messiah” and his bunch have been claiming? They have the solution…and we’ve been saying “show it to us.” They have yet to do this).
“You say you’ll change the constitution, well you know, we’d all love to change your head” (yes, we need to spread a path of death, destruction, and lower taxes, but winning a few hearts and minds along the way can’t hurt).
You kids with your Genesis and Hip Hop. Lest we forgt Punk Rock’s own three chord wunderkind – Johnny Ramone.
This Ain’t Havana
by The Ramones (this one had to be written by Johnny or maybe Joey had smoked a lot of dope and then read the fountain head or Russell Kirk or something – but is probably one of the few conservative punk rock songs, and I am sure Johnny would approve its use in the nascent conservative resistance).
I had no advantage over you.
There was troubles and I had em too.
Just cause youre so stung out.
Dont mean it cant work out.
Ba-ba-banana, this aint havana.
Do you like bananas, ba-ba-bananas.
Say youre a victim of society.
You ask them for your mercy.
Just like the cats in the garbage cans.
Whens their time coming, man.
You better offer some resistance.
You better give up on my insistence.
Things happen overnight.
You dont give up without a fight.
Ba-ba-banana, this aint havana.
Do yo like bananas, ba-ba-bananas.
You say youre poor and uneducated.
You aint gotta chance cause youre hated.
Youre on your way to lifes promotion.
You hinder it with emotion.
Ba-ba-banana, this aint havana.
Do yo like bananas, ba-ba-bananas.
Bolt Thrower – Entrenched
Devastated, through broken promises and lies
The scars lie deep now, burning from inside
Cut through broken promises and lies
Intense resentment now will thrive
Instinctively – as you feel the anger rise
As the pressure builds hatred fills the mind
Overpowering – gripped within the jaws of defeat
Under attack – no organised retreat
Trapped within the jaws of defeat
Won but lost – the misery complete
When least expected – with the element of surprise
Silent and swiftly – another taken life
Violated & breached are all defensive lines
The enemy has victory in sight
Within the moment
When all seems lost
In retaliation
Eradicate the past
In defeat triumphant
In the face of massed adversity
In a world of compromise
….Some don’t.
While you all are selecting the anthem is this anything like fiddling while Rome burns?
The South’s Gonna Do It Again- Charlie Daniels Band
Theme from TV series “In My World” by Frank J. of IMAO.us.
Oh, that hasn’t been composed yet. Sorry.
But Anthrax had a song called “In My World.”
Blondie? Are you F’ing kidding me? Someone clue someone in on this new movement now! Also Cyndi Lauper? Someone needs their head stuffed up their ass ASAP!!!
Picky picky prickly. It would just be the “theme song.” It has an implied name.
Oh…and NOTHING redeeming came out of the 80’s! NOTHING! Not one song! Nada! Zilch! It was the era of gag…disco…and sluts like Madonna who have that airy non singing voice that carries over to today where they sing exactly 4 notes over and over and over and over again and shleps go out and buy this crap just like they buy RAP which is another story!!!!
Theme song from Shaft “whacka jacka whacka jacka” who’s the coolest dude in town…whacka jacka whacka jacka Frank J. whacka Jacka whacka jacka who’s the biggest dick around whacka jacka whacka jacka Frank J….whooo whooo
Over 100 comments and not a single Ted Nugent?!
What’s wrong with this picture?
How about ‘Kiss My Ass’ – Ted Nugent
Cowboys from Hell- Pantera
Hazel’s right – Firefly’s theme belongs in the top five.
Without saying too many things that would make my identity tracable to trolls, that was a bit of a theme song for me a few years ago. Basically I lost a marriage, a father, and gained some limited fame in rocket science all at the same time.
Die motherf*cker, Die – Dope
“Taps”, until inauguration day;
“They’re Coming To Take Me Away, Ha Ha” as a commentary on the leftist policies; and
I agree with Lee Greenwood’s “Proud To Be An American”. Always chokes me up with pride for this country.
I’ve got it! It doesn’t exist yet, but it’s Manowar with guest vocals by Dee Snider singing Battle Hymn of the Republic, then transitioning into We’re Not Gonna Take It (with some hail, hail, hail and kill! interjected as appropriate), and then, just as the music starts to fade, the theme from Team America: World Police takes over, with the very ending being the part of the 1812 Overture with the cannon, and the cannon is the alligator from The Battle of New Orleans who lost its mind.
Or is it I whose mind is lost?
Just this morning I was thinking about a theme song for the Obama presidency and immediately thought of “Head Like A Hole” by Nine Inch Nails. The following line is surely directed at his minions:
“Bow down before the one you serve;
You’re going to get what you deserve.”
Now a couple of people have recommend songs by MegaDeth for the Republican Underground’s theme song, to which I will add:
1. Anarchy in the U.S.A.
2. Symphony of Destruction
3. The Disintegrators
This is the music you want when you switch to full-auto.
“The slayer’s arrived
On a black horse of steel
Trouble is coming
Hell on two wheels
Hide in the shadows
Awaiting defeat
Or live by the sword
And choose to be free
We say retribution
We say vengeance is bliss
We say revolution
With a cast iron fist
Coming down the road
Watching every move
Kicking in the doors
Taking what we choose
Anarchy’s coming to town
A fiery invader
Burning it down to the ground
The Disintegrators…”
fight music from star trek: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WKsysvkelxw
Disease – Biohazard
“You filled my life with your disease
I’d rather die on my feet than live on my knees”
Guess we pretty much know ussjc’s feelings on The Cure, Culture Club and Wham.
One Hundred Twenty-Third!
Wow, now that’s a lot of traffic, and no trolls either. Maybe this is what we needed to energize the Republicans: a theme song and status as the opposition party.
Thanks, Joseph. That’s the idea.
I also use “islamsucks” from time to time. It tends to have the same introductory effect. I generally don’t have to explain where I stand on the issue.
Mitch Rapp
“Now We Are Free” by Hans Zimmer (again, The Gladiator).
I’m listening to it right now. Want to hear it?
Now We Are Free
I still think that we should go with Joe Espisito’s “You’re the Best” (around). You know from the Karate. “Fight til you drop, never stop, until you reach the top, you’re the best in town, listen to that sound,…You’re the best around…
Okay will whatever, punch hippies.
I’m thinking Ted the Nuge will want to join us. And rock. Maybe his neighbor GW will want in on this too.
Linkin Park – Bleed it out
Ummm……..Another dick in the mall??
If you want peace…. prepare for war – Children of Bodom.
Too appropriate
Stick to “The Man” only different song. Johnny Cash, “Walk the Line”. ‘Cause that’s what we need to do. Our conservative principles have to be the love of our lives and we have to “Walk the Line”.
Ride of the Valkyries.
Hell Yeah.
Geez……….too many to pick from….
I’m for anything that’s NOT country. I think something metal/heavy guitar rock or punk is the way to go. It’s much more in your face, loud and anthemy.
Will the be a separate site for the movement? I mean, if this is a serious effort, it should be separated from a satire site…don’t ya think?
Just thought of Merle Haggard’s The Fighting Side of Me.
I hear people talkin’ bad,
About the way we have to live here in this country,
Harpin’ on the wars we fight,
An’ gripin’ ’bout the way things oughta be.
An’ I don’t mind ’em switchin’ sides,
An’ standin’ up for things they believe in.
When they’re runnin’ down my country, man,
They’re walkin’ on the fightin’ side of me.
Yeah, walkin’ on the fightin’ side of me.
Runnin’ down the way of life,
Our fightin’ men have fought and died to keep.
If you don’t love it, leave it:
Let this song I’m singin’ be a warnin’.
If you’re runnin’ down my country, man,
You’re walkin’ on the fightin’ side of me.
Does it have to be heavy metal?
How about a remix of “God’s Gonna Cut You Down” and the Team America theme song.
“Sooner or later God’s gonna cut you down… F*CK YEAH!”
Tommy Gun by The Clash.
Eve of Destruction (The Turtles)
Primordial – Empire Falls
A cold wind is blowing
Through the graves it is blowing
And it bares a poisoned tongue
And the foul breath of deceit
I am my fathers son
And his deeds
Cannot be undone… be undone
You trade in his blood
Writing your history
In the sacrifices of the dead
Where is the fighting man?
Am I he?
You would trade every truth
For hollow victories
Every empire will fall
Every monument crumble
Forgotten men who watch the centuries
Whose silent words
Rise up in betrayal
We will rise up in betrayal
Where is the fighting man?
Am I he?
You would trade every truth
For hollow victories
Every empire falls
And the earth to ashes turn
The lands of my birth
Shall be my tomb
The are the lands, the lands of my birth
Soon to be ruins, the ruins of my past
And when the sky should fall
The earth to ashes turn
Then you know they shall be my tomb
Where is the fighting man?
I am he
You would trade every truth
For hollow victories
Beer Drinkers, Hell Raisers – ZZ Top, the little ol’ band from Texas. Git r done.
I’m just saying…
137 rwt
yeaaaahhhh heavy metal, or classical
cuz they are the only ones that kick enough ass
i personally dont like country, but i could go for a good country song as our theme
No Quarter. Led Zeppelin
although, it may be too quiet, its really ominous…
John McCain says “May I interest you in a reach across?”
That is “reach across the isle” …. Larry Craig says “reach across??? ….I can offer much more!!!” …. as he telegraphs with a rink clinkety ring clinkety ring clink aroo
John Mccain can be handed a steaming pile of **** when he does try reaching across from the liberal side of congress, after we get the republican underground up full swing
Lee Greenwood, Firefly theme, Ramones – This Ain’t Havana, what Modern-Day Estella said…
(how could anyone not have mentioned this yet?) Red, White and Blue by Toby Keith, but we alter the lyrics to how I always thought they should be… “put a bullet in your ass” rather than “boot up your ass”
ANYTHING from “Who’s Next.”
ANYTHING from “The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly.
“Revenge,” by Whiskeytown. It’s an arcane choice, and thematically it has nothing to do with our situation, but it kicks ass.
Of course, i forgot about tom petty I Wont Back Down
MC Hammer – Can’t Touch This
Damn, someone beat me to it…but I second (or third) Firefly’s theme: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LrAS20mNZUE
It makes perfect sense. Not only does the show have libertarian leanings, but the whole plot concerns a group of people (the browncoats) who lost a war.
No way should we use REM’s “It’s the End of the World as we Know it”, they’re big fans of Obama!
I say we either go with “Highway to Hell” by AC DC or else the theme from “Peter Gunn”.
For November 4, 2008: Bad Day, by Daniel Powter
For Sarah Palin: What A Difference You’ve Made, by Amy Grant; and You’re Beautiful, by James Blunt
To get throught the next 4 years: I Want A New Drug, by Huey Lewis & The News
As Rep Underground gets underway: We’ve Only Just Begun, by the Carpenters; and Feeling Stronger Every Day, by Chicago
For money- and gun-grabbing Liberals and RINOs: They Can’t Take That Away From Me, by Gershwin
For November 2012 (and/or the 2010 races when we take back DC): Happy Days Are Here Again; Top Of The World, by the Carpenters; and Good Riddance (to Liberalism), by Green Day
For the Koz Kids: Still Crazy After All These Years, by Simon & Garfunkle
For America’s Future (#87): Stars and Stripes Forever
When the Bullet Hits the Bone – Golden Earring: kinda describes the current week
Hold Your Head Up – Argent: to ease the movement into the eventual metal/goth/punk/rap/patriotic theme
Silent Running – Mike and the Mechanics: I think we ARE the sons and daughters mentioned:
Take the children and yourself
And hide out in the cellar
By now the fighting will be close at hand
Dont believe the church and state
And everything they tell you
Believe in me, Im with the high command
Theres a gun and ammunition
Just inside the doorway
Use it only in emergency
Better you should pray to god
The father and the spirit
Will guide you and protect from up here
Swear allegiance to the flag
Whatever flag they offer
Never hint at what you really feel
Teach the children quietly
For some day sons and daughters
Will rise up and fight while we stood still
Can you hear me, can you hear me running?
Can you hear me running, can you hear me calling you?
Can you hear me, can you hear me running?
Can you hear me running, can you hear me calling you?
Something by uncle Ted (Nugent)
Like “the Great White Buffalo”
“# PammyV says:
November 6th, 2008 at 7:15 pm
Geez……….too many to pick from….
I’m for anything that’s NOT country. I think something metal/heavy guitar rock or punk is the way to go. It’s much more in your face, loud and anthemy.
See, I thought Punk or Metal would be a good idea at first too, but then I thought “Why go with something so predictable? We should make our enemies think we are frigging insane so they don’t mess with us!” I’m thinking some dance music like, “Ride Like The Wind” by DJ Stompy, it even fits with our pro liberty message! If we want to go darker but still somewhat crazy and dancey, “Alien Nation” or “Orion Shall Rise” by Syrian have lyrics that could be used while we aren’t in power.
Further justification for obscure Dance music: We couldn’t be called uptight anymore, and it would force the more ignorant parts of my age range, the College Students, to break their stereotypes of Republicans.
But if we do go metal, something by Sabaton, preferably Primo Victoria, even though the band is Swedish they have a lot of songs celebrating America and it’s moral use of Military Power.
Still sticking with ” The Who – Who Are You ” every since the primaries.
Carmina Burana
Skip ahead to 1:30 if you aren’t a classical music fan. Normally I hate opera, but this one is an exception.
Geez……….too many to pick from….
Something by uncle Ted (Nugent)
Yeah, a suggestion?
Lets start narrowing it down to songs in the public doman, and/or only from conservative singers/bands.
Heart pitched a royal hissyfit when the Republicans played “Barracuda” at the convention.
Carmina Burana
Skip ahead to 1:30 if you aren’t a classical music fan. Normally I hate opera, but this one is an exception.
One of my all time faves…………it’s so powerful…(and I’ve even seen the opera) There’s parts, if I remember correctly, that are about new beginnings….. “oh fortuna” is one piece. kind of makes sense.
Beyond some that had relavent lyrics, I really like this choice.
Holst, The Planets, Mars – Bringer of War
Dum, da da da dum, da da da dum, da da da dum…
#59 – FormerHostage,
I always thought they were singing about cookies, “Yo-ho! O-ri-o!”
#162, 4 of 7:
Or the Robin Williams’ version for the Obamabots: “Oh thee O, Ho Chi Minh!”
Overnight thoughts:
This is the Time (to Remember) – Billy Joel (although it fit better before the election)
A Little Less Conversation, A Little More Action – Elvis
Livin’ in America – James Brown
Rebel to Rebel – .38 Special
Therion does an AWESOME version of O Fortuna from Carmina Burana …
(Jeez, I know way too many cover songs)
RightWingTink, I’m down for writing some music if FrankJ writes the lyrics. They MUST have the IMAO attitude.
“Spanish Key” from Miles Davis’ Bitches Brew Album #2. Insanely good musicians!
Check this out amigos:
Indestructible by Disturbed:
Too many great ideas here to choose from, but I’ll give the gang one more to think about: “We’re Not Gonna Take It” by Twisted Sister. Apologies if someone else already suggested…
I’m chiming in with a better one. “Push Comes to Shove” by Jackyl.
Ill as a hornet, swarming around
Your political correct world is incorrect I’ve found
An angry young man is what I became
The day that you got full of yourself, and now only you’re to blame
Push me on off of the ledge
I’m standing with my toes hanging over the edge
Not worried about a push coming down from above
I’m ready for you
When push comes to shove
Look in my hands it’s not what it seems
Touch my hands I been around touch the man
Touch the fist that can shatter your dreams
And Jesse James Dupree would probably join us.
Please, please, please!!
Nothing by Disturbed! They suck hairy, sweaty balls, and not in a good way.
AC/DC’s “Thunderstruck”
Three Day’s Grace Riot. there’s some language but I think the song describes things pretty well…
appologies to Johnny Nash:
I can see clearly now, McCain is gone!
I can see all liberals in my way.
Gone are the MSM’s that had me blind,
It’s gonna be a Right (right) Right (right)
Sun-Shiny day!
I think I can make it ‘though Palin is gone;
All of the Northeast RINO’s have disappeared.
Here is the Movement I’ve been prayin’ for;
It’s gonna be a Right (right) Right (right)
Sun-Shiny day!
Look all around, there’s nothing but Red States!
Look straight ahead, nothin’ but Red Sta-aa-aa-aa-aa-aa-aa-aa-aates!
I can plan clearly how to screw the libs,
Putting my foot where it’ll do some good!
Republican Underground is on the rise!
It’s gonna be a Right (right) Right (right)
Sun-Shiny Day!
Don’t F&%K me up (with peace & love)- Cracker
Burn in hell- Twisted sister
Madness to the method- Blue Oyster Cult
Someone to shove-Soul Asylum
I don’t know about you guys, but I’ve been humming the theme to Blazing Saddles since Tuesday night.
You know, we COULD get a bunch of Conservative/Libertarian musicians together to actually write us a theme song? Chris Pervelis from Internal Bleeding is a die-hard Reaganite. Ted Nugent is awesome. I’m not sure about Dee Snider’s politics, but I know he stood up for freedom of speech and against government censorship. Trey Parker and Matt Stone of South Park, Orgazmo, and Cannibal! The Musical are actually quite talented musically. SarahK would have to do some vocals.
Get as many together, kinda like Dio did with the big group of metal musicians and like that awful we are the world or do they know it’s christmas or whatever it was that had all the pop singers singing something awful and sappy.
The main thing in a theme song, to me, needs to be the defiance – maybe even to the “give me liberty or give me death” extreme of defiance. It also needs to show solidarity on the points that matter most to us, despite our individual differences on some specific issues. We need to sound like a force to be reckoned with, and we need to inspire strength and defiance in ourselves, and anything from concern to outright terror in the socialists/communists/whatever they call themselves.
After four years reading this site, this is the first time nobody else said what I was thinking.
First, Jethro Tull — Broadsword. Obviously, none of you have heard it. You would all love it. Go find it and listen.
Second, “Smack my Bitch Up.” Don’t remember the ‘artist,’ but what a great song for the current climate.
[That’s Prodigy, dude. -Ed.]
Prodigy. Thanks.
And no, I don’t intend Smack My Bitch Up for any politcal figures from Alaska. I meant the other VP candidate, and his ilk.