Man, ABC has really gone off the reservation. First the V remake which looks like it’ll just be 60 minutes of fortune-telling how Obama will eventually try to eat somebody’s skin and now this.
8th Century BC.
Isaiah son of Amos, Prophet of God.
Isa. 5: 20
20 ¶ Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
True then, true now.
Just sayin’. Good is in the eye of the beholder. This beholder says there’s absolutely nothing good about either this program, the entertainment media that spawned it or any thing remotely connected with it.
Spin doctors in the background just make it seem gayer than it actually is.
but whats with the haters? Mike Judge is awesome, KotH is one of my favorite shows, and this reminds me of “sit down, shut up” it probably wont be very good for the first 2 episodes, but then you will be sad it got canceled, the main guy seems like the left wing hank hill
This looks ok but not great. But is the beginning so who knows. It might improve.
I think this shows that conservatives are more interesting than liberals. So King of the Hill and Beavis and Butthead sure look funnier than this show about faggotty liberals.
I have a theory about this. I maintain that conservatives are more funny and interesting than liberals. This is part of the reason they dominate talk radio for example: even if you don’t agree with them, they are interesting to listen to. Liberals are not all that interesting even if you agree with them. Thus, even liberals don’t listen to Air America.
The next person I hear say “KIds are so disrespectful today” or “What’s wrong with kids today” I ‘m going to punch in the mouth. All one has to do is look at the steady diet of trash, filth, disrespect and general uncivil behavior they are allowed, nay encouraged, (many by their own parents) to consume and the end result is a fore gone conclusion.
Where our heart and minds are there will our treasure be also………..Apparently our treasure today is foul, obnoxious cartoons and stupid, vapid, greedy reality shows.
Civilization isn’t headed for the crapper. It’s already there, with about an Obama’s worth of porpoise poop and whale dung decaying on top.
But then again I’m old, I haven’t experienced much, I have no sense of humor and spend all of my time trying to suck the life and fun out of everything I touch.
Well, that which is really retarded and encouraged should be mocked. This may reach the next generation the way Bevis and Butthead reached ours – basically as a warning that “here be dragons” when you start destroying brain cells. So far it’s only South Park, and it cuts both ways.
Mike Judge’s film Office Space is so dead on it’s not even funny (it lacks excessive offshoring, making reality worse than parody). Idiocracy seems to be a prophesy of the Obama era.
There’s even an Obama/Pepsi logo hanging in a tire swing on the White House porch – 10 years before Obama. It’s scary.
That said, yes, if Mike Judge is doing a cartoon series mocking how insipid the typical lefty is, I’m more than happy with that. The fact that it’s not on Fox means some of the targets of this humor might actually watch it. Heck, much like Bevis and Butthead, half the audience won’t even realize we aren’t laughing WITH them.
You are correct. For starters liberals are all such elitists that they can never laugh at themselves. Liberal “humor” always attacks someone who simply disagrees with them, and never a fellow liberal…letalone themselves. It’s almost always cheap and easy, and negative, and is usually simply repeating another version of a warn-out old joke that says something snarky about a conservative that everyone else they know has already insulted countless times. They may or may not actually know a thing about that conservative, and may not even know any facts to back up why they supposedly hate them or why they are such a jerk, idiot, ignorant, stupid, homophobic, racist, hateful, nazi, etc. But, the fact that other liberals have made fun of that person instantly makes them a joke topic, even if they’re not the KKK-member fellow liberals have slandered them to be. So, “A village in Texas is missing its idiot” is ROFLMAO material for libs.
But, the other important aspect to successful talk radio is that it’ uplifting.
Limbaugh, Hannity, Levin, Ingraham, and the rest are always upbeat – even when analyzing all the negatives about current politics. They’re always proud to be Americans, they stand up for and support the good folks who do good things, try hard to get ahead, support their families, etc. (instead of standing on the side of snarky protesters, elitist media members, those that wish to harm American citizens, and all the other supposed heroes of the left that hate you but Air America worships).
The Limbaughs, Hannity’s, etc. always look for the bright light at the end of the tunnel. So, on a bad news day, after you listen to them you feel better, and see reason for hope. Yet, listen to Air America or NPR for a half hour and you’ll be told what a crappy country we live in and how no one is capable of accomplishing anything. The highest peak of accomplishment to strive for is hitting someone you disagree with in the face with a pie or ruining someone else’s life that disagrees with you politically. According to Al Franken’s show or Randy Rhoades, everything about your life sucks and there is no hope, no way to lift yourself up, and the only prayer (although they’ll never use that word other than for the brunt of a snarky comment) for salvation is crooked democrat politicians taking over every aspect of your life after sending you a check for some reason as part of some “program”. If you’re not wildly in favor of turning over all your rights to crooked democrat politicians you’re a complete idiot. Wow, who wouldn’t want to listen to that for three hours a day.
The only bizarre exception to the rule is Michael Savage, who’s show is usually very doom-and-gloom. However, the fact that he’s about the only conservative voice on the radio at that time of the night has undoubtedly helped the popularity of his show, along with the fact that he seems to attract a more bulldog audience that wants to hear the liberal elites verbally ripped to shreds, and that’s the only place you can hear that to that degree (whereas, if you wan’t to hear conservatives classlessly ripped to shreds by liberals you can turn on MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, etc. at any time of day and there will be Olbermann, Matthews, Maddows, etc. calling names and putting down anyone conservative. So, Michael Savage is basically the right wing version of The View.
Since it is Memorial Day, where are the shows on TV or in the Newspapers or the Magazines showing the jobs that our “young people” in our military are doing every day to protect this country? Oh yea…they don’t count! What an outrage! Our best and brightest go out and risk life and limb daily and all we hear about from our media include creeps, weirdos, deviants, perverts (Democrats)…
Good post there Son of Bob. You echoed a lot of my own observations.
And that’s a good point about Michael Savage being a right wing version of The View, never thought of him that way but it fits like a glove. Of all the talkers on radio I like him the least.
Isn’t it interesting that the fairness doctrine only applies to talk radio? Why not for, say, the NY Times?
It somehow is unfair that we on the right have Rush Limbaugh and Fox News, when all the liberals have is….
The NY Times, the Washington Post, the LA Times, Time, Newsweek, CBS, NBC, ABC, NPR, the Pacifica Radio Network, most of the nations newspapers and magazines, not to mention Universities and Colleges, and foundations. Oh, and Bill Maher, John Stewart, and Stephen Colbert.
Kinda makes you stop and think.
If the show has the same writers as King of the Hill it might be OK.
Hank Hill runs into politically correct gestapo all the time.
They always take themselves dead seriously and always make life harder for those around them, but Hank perseveres by not buying their BS.
But libs on their own, without adult supervision? (shudder)
PS. Jimmy, God bless your Army pilot and all who serve.
Might be good but I don’t know. Might be too hard to listen to the incessant whining. Maybe if Hank shows up to kick his a** that’d be good tv.
It has potential. We will know if it is good, if NBC orders it rewrote before it can be showed on the air.
I’ll give it a chance, but I don’t have high hopes.
Family Guy is more me than this stuff.
Sorry, just looks dumb. And, my guess is most libs won’t even get the jokes.
I think I’ll stick with Beavis and Butthead and King of the Hill re-runs
I won’t watch it, but it’s nice to see somebody with the balls to make fun of them.
I am so stinking glad I unplugged the TV 18 months ago. I only get high brow humor now.
Man, ABC has really gone off the reservation. First the V remake which looks like it’ll just be 60 minutes of fortune-telling how Obama will eventually try to eat somebody’s skin and now this.
ABC is going to have to try even harder to get me to watch it again. Sorry, Disney.
The only time I watch A Bunch of Crap is when they have college football on. This show doesn’t appear likely to change that.
8th Century BC.
Isaiah son of Amos, Prophet of God.
Isa. 5: 20
20 ¶ Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
True then, true now.
Just sayin’. Good is in the eye of the beholder. This beholder says there’s absolutely nothing good about either this program, the entertainment media that spawned it or any thing remotely connected with it.
Spin doctors in the background just make it seem gayer than it actually is.
but whats with the haters? Mike Judge is awesome, KotH is one of my favorite shows, and this reminds me of “sit down, shut up” it probably wont be very good for the first 2 episodes, but then you will be sad it got canceled, the main guy seems like the left wing hank hill
youtube comments are hilarious though
The main guy reminds me a lot of Beavis & Butthead’s hippy teacher, Mr. Van Dreisen.
I’ll check it out, but… I dunno if it’d go past two episodes on Another Barack Channel
Ed the Pastor:
I am so stinking glad I unplugged the TV 18 months ago. I only get high brow humor now.
Not really, you apparently read this site…
This looks ok but not great. But is the beginning so who knows. It might improve.
I think this shows that conservatives are more interesting than liberals. So King of the Hill and Beavis and Butthead sure look funnier than this show about faggotty liberals.
I have a theory about this. I maintain that conservatives are more funny and interesting than liberals. This is part of the reason they dominate talk radio for example: even if you don’t agree with them, they are interesting to listen to. Liberals are not all that interesting even if you agree with them. Thus, even liberals don’t listen to Air America.
Any thoughts?
Any bets on how long it will take for this show to go anti-right wing?
The next person I hear say “KIds are so disrespectful today” or “What’s wrong with kids today” I ‘m going to punch in the mouth. All one has to do is look at the steady diet of trash, filth, disrespect and general uncivil behavior they are allowed, nay encouraged, (many by their own parents) to consume and the end result is a fore gone conclusion.
Where our heart and minds are there will our treasure be also………..Apparently our treasure today is foul, obnoxious cartoons and stupid, vapid, greedy reality shows.
Civilization isn’t headed for the crapper. It’s already there, with about an Obama’s worth of porpoise poop and whale dung decaying on top.
But then again I’m old, I haven’t experienced much, I have no sense of humor and spend all of my time trying to suck the life and fun out of everything I touch.
That ought to about do it. My work here is done.
There should be a Memorial Day post here. Ok, I’ll make one:
I have an Army pilot in harms way, but even so, Memorial Day has always been as important as July 4th to me.
(And seanmahairmama, you are young and wise and funny and you inject good everywhere you go. That settles that.)
Well, that which is really retarded and encouraged should be mocked. This may reach the next generation the way Bevis and Butthead reached ours – basically as a warning that “here be dragons” when you start destroying brain cells. So far it’s only South Park, and it cuts both ways.
Mike Judge’s film Office Space is so dead on it’s not even funny (it lacks excessive offshoring, making reality worse than parody). Idiocracy seems to be a prophesy of the Obama era.
There’s even an Obama/Pepsi logo hanging in a tire swing on the White House porch – 10 years before Obama. It’s scary.
That said, yes, if Mike Judge is doing a cartoon series mocking how insipid the typical lefty is, I’m more than happy with that. The fact that it’s not on Fox means some of the targets of this humor might actually watch it. Heck, much like Bevis and Butthead, half the audience won’t even realize we aren’t laughing WITH them.
You’ve got half the formula.
You are correct. For starters liberals are all such elitists that they can never laugh at themselves. Liberal “humor” always attacks someone who simply disagrees with them, and never a fellow liberal…letalone themselves. It’s almost always cheap and easy, and negative, and is usually simply repeating another version of a warn-out old joke that says something snarky about a conservative that everyone else they know has already insulted countless times. They may or may not actually know a thing about that conservative, and may not even know any facts to back up why they supposedly hate them or why they are such a jerk, idiot, ignorant, stupid, homophobic, racist, hateful, nazi, etc. But, the fact that other liberals have made fun of that person instantly makes them a joke topic, even if they’re not the KKK-member fellow liberals have slandered them to be. So, “A village in Texas is missing its idiot” is ROFLMAO material for libs.
But, the other important aspect to successful talk radio is that it’ uplifting.
Limbaugh, Hannity, Levin, Ingraham, and the rest are always upbeat – even when analyzing all the negatives about current politics. They’re always proud to be Americans, they stand up for and support the good folks who do good things, try hard to get ahead, support their families, etc. (instead of standing on the side of snarky protesters, elitist media members, those that wish to harm American citizens, and all the other supposed heroes of the left that hate you but Air America worships).
The Limbaughs, Hannity’s, etc. always look for the bright light at the end of the tunnel. So, on a bad news day, after you listen to them you feel better, and see reason for hope. Yet, listen to Air America or NPR for a half hour and you’ll be told what a crappy country we live in and how no one is capable of accomplishing anything. The highest peak of accomplishment to strive for is hitting someone you disagree with in the face with a pie or ruining someone else’s life that disagrees with you politically. According to Al Franken’s show or Randy Rhoades, everything about your life sucks and there is no hope, no way to lift yourself up, and the only prayer (although they’ll never use that word other than for the brunt of a snarky comment) for salvation is crooked democrat politicians taking over every aspect of your life after sending you a check for some reason as part of some “program”. If you’re not wildly in favor of turning over all your rights to crooked democrat politicians you’re a complete idiot. Wow, who wouldn’t want to listen to that for three hours a day.
The only bizarre exception to the rule is Michael Savage, who’s show is usually very doom-and-gloom. However, the fact that he’s about the only conservative voice on the radio at that time of the night has undoubtedly helped the popularity of his show, along with the fact that he seems to attract a more bulldog audience that wants to hear the liberal elites verbally ripped to shreds, and that’s the only place you can hear that to that degree (whereas, if you wan’t to hear conservatives classlessly ripped to shreds by liberals you can turn on MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, etc. at any time of day and there will be Olbermann, Matthews, Maddows, etc. calling names and putting down anyone conservative. So, Michael Savage is basically the right wing version of The View.
Since it is Memorial Day, where are the shows on TV or in the Newspapers or the Magazines showing the jobs that our “young people” in our military are doing every day to protect this country? Oh yea…they don’t count! What an outrage! Our best and brightest go out and risk life and limb daily and all we hear about from our media include creeps, weirdos, deviants, perverts (Democrats)…
Good post there Son of Bob. You echoed a lot of my own observations.
And that’s a good point about Michael Savage being a right wing version of The View, never thought of him that way but it fits like a glove. Of all the talkers on radio I like him the least.
Isn’t it interesting that the fairness doctrine only applies to talk radio? Why not for, say, the NY Times?
It somehow is unfair that we on the right have Rush Limbaugh and Fox News, when all the liberals have is….
The NY Times, the Washington Post, the LA Times, Time, Newsweek, CBS, NBC, ABC, NPR, the Pacifica Radio Network, most of the nations newspapers and magazines, not to mention Universities and Colleges, and foundations. Oh, and Bill Maher, John Stewart, and Stephen Colbert.
Kinda makes you stop and think.
If the show has the same writers as King of the Hill it might be OK.
Hank Hill runs into politically correct gestapo all the time.
They always take themselves dead seriously and always make life harder for those around them, but Hank perseveres by not buying their BS.
But libs on their own, without adult supervision? (shudder)
PS. Jimmy, God bless your Army pilot and all who serve.
Is it sad that I see the following goof: No real vegan would involve himself in the circus-industrial-complex?
This looks like part of a pendulum swing back against the leftist smugness that is personified in algore.
good observation, but perhaps he’s going to make a statue of the Virgin Mary with the elephant dung.
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I saw the pilot last week. It was pretty good and I enjoyed it. 🙂