Liberal Occupations

I think I noticed something about liberal jobs choices: Liberals tend to dominate jobs like actor, journalist, and college professors, and one thing about all those jobs is there isn’t a real objective way to measure whether you’re doing well or not. For a liberal, there is nothing more important than feeling you are smart, and thus it helps to have a job where you can feel smart and there is no objective measure to tell you otherwise. This is true of college professor especially, where a big part of it is just having everybody think you sound smart — especially in the useless “studies” type subjects.

I wish I could be like that in engineering. I’d just babble on about all these neat engineering ideas but never actually make anything that works. I like babbling. I wonder if I was a liberal in another life…


  1. I just read Pundette’s blog “Maybe Obama should learn a Trade”, and immediately ran out and got the book Shop Class as Soulcraft which is along the same lines. The author discusses makes a moral and intellectual case for work in the trades, which are distinct from a lot of “knowledge work” because they are measured against real world criteria, and you can’t merely interpret away failure. Either the motorcycle starts, or it doesn’t. Compare that to anything Obama has ever done.

  2. MarkoMancuso says:

    Question: do law firms require results?

    Yes – but keep in mind that their “success” is measured by liberal judges and people too stupid to get out of jury duty.

  3. How many idiots can you reliably fool? This is perhaps the one metric some liberals are accountable too e.g. lawyers, politicians, bureaucrats, and bloggers.

    Follow up question: How much wood would a wood chuck named Chuck chuck if Chucks’ neighbor could be forced to give half of his chucked wood to Chuck. Answer zero Why would Chuck chuck? He already has as much wood as his neighbor and hasn’t done anything.


  4. End of Chucks tale goes like this:

    Chucks neighbor was Laboring away chucking wood trying to put his kids through wood chucking school even though it was really just a very expensive Marxists indoctrination camp run by rabid Beavers. Well Chuck had 4 neighbors he was friends with, a union cop, a politician, a bureaucrat accountant, and a layabout. They thought what if we go and take Chucks wood chucking neighbors’ chucked wood and split it between us. So they did each playing their role and in return receiving 1/5 chunk of the chucked wood.

    It was a long winter and 1/5 wasn’t enough wood and eventually ran out before winter ended. This was when they decided that Chucks wood chucking neighbor had been to greedy and lazy and hadn’t chucked enough wood for everyone on purpose and probably kept too much for himself. So they went and for revenge killed Chucks’ neighbor and used up the rest of his chucked wood and then burned his house piece by piece and were able to survive the winter by so doing. The next summer came and none of them left knew anything about chucking wood and then winter came again and they all froze to death.

    And this is the story of how much wood Chuck didn’t Chuck and never learned how because he found a way to simply take his neighbors chucked wood. The neighbors name is only known because of a name badge on his wood chucking overalls chucked into the snow when he tried to escape. “Employee of the month, Wood-Chucker Galt”

  5. I knew a liberal engineer. He din’t blast long in the business. Libearls don’t believe in absolouts, just feelings. Feelings don’t cut it when one runs a sewer line into a holding pond for rain water. Especially that smelly kind of feeling that comes from the nose. Dumb liberal.

  6. “I wish I could be like that in engineering. I’d just babble on about all these neat engineering ideas but never actually make anything that works. I like babbling. I wonder if I was a liberal in another life”

    No you were not necessarily a Liberal, sounds to me that your previous self had been promoted into management. Probably Quality Assurance management.

  7. Liberal Jobs:
    PBS Employee
    MN Public Radio Employee
    Volvo Salesman
    Saab Salesman
    Anyone who works at a Co-op or Health Foods Store
    Teacher at any level
    Anyone employed to “help the children”
    Anyone employed by government to “help the poor”
    Anyone who rides a bike in full gear, helmet, stupid bike shorts, shoes etc.

  8. Limp dicks! Yeah I know, there is no such job but I figure as all liberals (at least the males) are…limp dicks, if there was such a job they’d have a lock on it. Also professional whiner, ditto for professional sniveler.

  9. Didja ever notice how liberals with PhD’s in the liberal arts insist on being called “doctor?” From my perspective, there must be no PhD’s given in the engineering fields because I’ve never known an engineer who used the title, “doctor.”

  10. “I wish I could be like that in engineering. I’d just babble on about all these neat engineering ideas but never actually make anything that works. I like babbling. I wonder if I was a liberal in another life”

    Don’t you babble on enough here ?

    Some one was going to say it.

  11. What I don’t get about all of those people who are unemployed is that they have the nervy and screwy attitudes that certain jobs are beneath them, and, therefore, they would prefer to remain unemployed, rather than take a job that isn’t good enough for them.

    Yeah, right, snobs and dummies, you were so good at your jobs that either you were fired or nobody would hire you.

    To pay my way through college, I took any kind of job that I could get. All work is honorable.

    What demeans the unemployed is their unwillingness to settle for whatever they can get, which is all that they are worth, not the type of job which they damn well out to take.

    The Greatest Generation was replaced by The Most Decadent Generation which was, in turn, replaced by The Laziest. Sleaziest And The Most Useless Generation.

  12. The Greatest Generation was replaced by The Most Decadent Generation which was, in turn, replaced by The Laziest. Sleaziest And The Most Useless Generation.
    Hey now! We generation Xers started off with a heady dose of laziness and sleaziness, thanks to our moron Baby Boomer parents not knowing how to raise us, but I think plenty of us have turned into fairly competent adults. Sarah Palin will be the first GenX president.

  13. We generation Xers started off with a heady dose of laziness and sleaziness, thanks to our moron Baby Boomer parents not knowing how to raise us, but I think plenty of us have turned into fairly competent adults.

    Exactly. Don’t lump us in with that gaggle of hippies. And the other day, after reading some column slathering praise on the Greatest Generation for the umpteenth time, someone in the comment thread wrote something like, “Look, get over yourselves. I know you won the war and all, but you went on to raise a bunch of self-indulgent hippies. Your parenting was an epic fail.” Well spoken.

    It’s always been something I never quite understood. These people lived through the Depression and World War II…and somehow that period of history is followed by the 60’s. Makes. No. Sense.

  14. I always presumed it was that the “greatest gen” parents talked a lot about how life is full of suffering, danger, and evil. Unfortunately, the actual world the hippies grew up seemed to defy all of this talk. So they rejected their parents culture and ways of doing things and nothing super bad immediately happened so they kept on doing it.

    The only peace I find is that 60’s kids (left and right idiots) who have spent their whole lives cutting and burning the American field that they lived off of will reap in a moment the inevitable consequences of all their selfish short-sighted decisions. But, it will arrive at their weakest and most vulnerable period of life.

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