What Do Liberals Consider to Be Rights?

The NAACP took time off from looking for coded racism in greeting cards and calling anyone who disagrees with Democrats a racist to listen to Michelle Obama speak.

Yeah, I don’t know why they would do that, but the NAACP does seem to be full of fringe crazies these days, and that does sound like the wacky sort of thing a crazy person would do.

Anyway, so you’re wondering what inherent disdain or misunderstanding of basic American principles did Michelle display this time? Well, she said “dessert is not a right.”

Well, maybe she was taking a libertarian position and dessert isn’t a right because if you don’t have money to buy dessert, it’s not like the government is supposed to supply it for you. But then she said that health care is “a true civil right” which once again demonstrates that a liberal’s understand of rights is as coherent as a paranoid schizophrenic. So, back when this nation was first founded and no one had any health care someone today would consider worthwhile, who was infringing their civil rights? I’m going to go with the most evil thing known to man: rogue unicorns.

So why do liberals see things like abortion as a right but don’t think self-defense is — despite that being inherent to pretty much every creature? Because they like the word “rights” but don’t understand what those are. Basically, in the liberal world, you have no rights in far as you may conflict with their plan for the state. Icons of individual power like money, guns, and speech (when directed against the power of the state like in the Tea Party) they only see as threats and not rights. If liberals weren’t so good at quickly marginalizing themselves, we’d have a lot more to worry about than them taking away our ice cream.


  1. Well, you know how colored people are…and that’s a whole organization of them. Even black people hate colored people…just try referring to one as a “colored” and see how they react.

  2. Well, they are adding a new word to our vocabulary. Sadger. A combination of sadness and anger. It is usually felt when you remember the people residing in the White House at the same time you read a Medal of Honor citation or the like.

    It can also be a sad badger. Despite the name, a sad badger is still dangerous and should be shot on sight.

  3. So uh. Wanna provide a citation for your dipshit assertion that “liberals don’t think self-defense is a right”?

    How sad it must be to be you. All upset and bothered about things you made up in your own head.

    [Let’s say “most liberals” — see Europe and any really blue state’s gun laws for examples. -Ed.]

  4. Wow, a liberal troll at IMAO. It’s been a while.

    (When I hear the name “Jill,” I think back to a blond, liberal ditz I knew in school. Conservative ‘Jill’s’, please stand up and defend your name!)

  5. Here’s your current rights….1. You have the right to shut your mouth about Obama policies (unless you agree with them) pay your taxes in an uncomplaining manner and do as you’re told by the federal government when you’re told to do it. 2. If in doubt about any of your rights refer to rule one.

  6. Jill, you’re kidding me, right? Read through the opinions of the four liberals on the Supreme Court from the latest Chicago guns case. Make sure you take off your dunce cap before reading and take particular care in making certain you don’t prove Frank’s assertion by trolling here when we have a gun rights post.

  7. Want a citation, troll? How’s the UN? Liberals like the UN, right?

    “Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations applies to States acting in self-defence
    against armed attacks against their State sovereignty. It does not apply to situations of
    self-defence for individual persons.” Barbara Frey’s report to the HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL
    Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights – 2006

    When will trolls start doing their own research?

  8. Seems like I remember a wise Latina who wouldn’t acknowledge that people have the right to self defense. And Kagan wouldn’t agree that Americans havce a natural right to self defense.

  9. Senator “DUI” Kennedy introduced a certain Senate Bill No. 1 under Reagan which had less chance of passing then a liberal has of joining MENSA. Under SB1 it would be a federal felony not only to defend oneself, but your primary concern was for the bad guy’s rights. In case of a break in you were reqiured o flee your own home or face prosecution. If a family member was attacked you still had to flee, Bad guys have rights under liberals, You don’t.

  10. @Storm: Even though Teddy’s Law didn’t pass, it is de facto law in liberal Massamachusetts. Use a firearm there to protect yourself from a deadly threat, and you are likely to be prosecuted, as was the case of the woman who shot a rapist who had broken into her apartment, and was also the case of my uncle who drew his legally carriedu handgun to protect himself from an attacker.

    You’re not really high on the believing in right of self defense when you prosecute those who do defend themselves.

  11. Sad Badgers aren’t dangerous they just get all weepy. Its manic depressive badgers you have to watch out for.

    Unfortunately it is often hard to tell a Sadger from a MaDadger. Watch the Eyes. MaDadgers have crazy eyes.

  12. Wow, “Jill” appears to be an uniformed liberal…HOW unusual. The other day I was having a flame war with a liberal puke and he of course called me a racist, when I said “I suppose you don’t think Obama, Holder and that Black Panther guy are racists, right?”

    His reply: What Black Panther guy?!?

    It is better to remain silent and be thought a liberal idiot than open your mouth and remove all doubt.

  13. Now that the NAALCP has condemned the Tea Party, I predict it will end up right next to the National Organization for Leftist Women. It too will be dismissed by mainstream Americans as a collection of political WHORES.

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