Jimmy Carter says things haven’t improved much since he was president. This seems kind of ridiculous since the majority opinion was that things improved drastically the minute Carter stopped being president. The sun started shining again, there were parades and songs… it was a glorious time.
On the other hand, let’s say you were experiencing the malaise of the seventies and then got hit by a bus and went into a coma and you just finally woke up now. Looking at today’s conditions, it would seem like things stayed pretty stagnant since the seventies with America barely hobbling along. It’s basically the same malaise except now we have iPhones.
This certainly isn’t the future we want for our children. I grew up in the eighties surrounded by happiness and optimism and no Carter, and I hope the same thing for my Buttercup. She’ll be two in 2012, and by the time she learns what a president is hopefully we’ll have a president worth learning about. We want things better for our children, so next we need better than Reagan. Like a cybernetically enhanced Reagan.
Or I’ll be mad.
That needed fixed.
Carter also said he would have won in 1980 if not for a third party candidate. Many years ago, stupidity that stupid was uncommon stupidity.
Hey, that’s pretty good.Uncommon Stupidity Frank, I think you should write that book about liberals.
Not me.
[Heh. Yeah, I guess not you. -Ed.]
I agree. The iPhone is not helping the case at all. And now we don’t even have Walkmen(mans?) any more. ‘Tis a sad era.
Zombie Robot Reagan, maybe?
The one and ONLY thing that Jimmy Carter did while he was president was make home brewing legal. I suspect it was totally by accident somehow-probably buried in some bill that he, of course, did not read.
(Probably outlawed again somewhere in the Obamacare bill)
“We had almost complete harmony with every nation on Earth,” the Nobel Peace Prize winner said of his administration.
Queue Twilight Zone theme.
Ah yes, the never ending effort by the worst President ever to somehow get off the top of that list.
It’s basically the same malaise except now we have iPhones.
So now you can experience the misery of marxism remotely.
Those Soviet surface ships showing up in the Gulf of Mexico in the late ’70s? Peaceful purposes only, my friend. Peaceful purposes only.
You know, we’re due for another good, prosperous decade. They seem to come along one out of every 3:
1890s: Industrial Revolution
1920s: Roaring Twenties
1950s: Military-Industrial Complex
1980s: Upwardly mobile middle class
2010s: Tea Partiers.
Thank you so much! I found and read the old post about your time in that great sandy hellhole of a parking lot. Too many of us in this country take our Marines for granted. Is it because we’re so used to excellence?
Frank, your question is like asking someone to compare rotten apples with rotten apples. It’s much easier to compare carmel apples with chocolate oranges, for example. Don’t make me remind you again.
Things were completely different, I was young and hot and Reagan was on the horizon.
I was selling cars when Jimmy Carter was POTUS as a young lad just out of college. Every car dealer (owner) I knew back then literally went insane! They would look at their new car inventory and start calculating 20% floorplan (or the loan they owed the company for the cars) and it drove them nuts! But then Ronald Magnus came riding out of the sunset and “There was a New Day in America”!!!
Is the sky blue, is grass green, is George Soros actually Senator Palpatine…………………..where would you like your big, shiny bag of DUH.
Have we got the Reagan clone ready yet?
Carter legalized home brewing?
I guess even a broken watch is correct… once in 4 years!