Random Thoughts

No amount of facts and science will convince liberals that they don’t have facts and science on their side.

I’m really surprised how many people gave gifts to SarahK and I for Buttercup. Never thought we were that likable.

Somehow I think MeggieMac turning to Media Matters to defend her isn’t going to help her cause any.

I think most conservatives are saying they’re looking for a 50 seat gain in the House while secretly hoping for numbers they dare not mention.

Being a father does make me feel more badass… sort of out of necessity.

Buttercup is asleep on my tummy while I check Twitter on my iPad – just like my dad and me when I was a baby.


  1. No amount of facts and science will convince liberals that they don’t have facts and science on their side.

    But they have dreams and Keith Richards on their side!

    I’m really surprised how many people gave gifts to SarahK and I for Buttercup. Never thought we were that likable.

    I’m cheap; I’m only sending you love.

    Buttercup is asleep on my tummy while I check Twitter on my iPad – just like my dad and me when I was a baby.

    Frank, I do not wish to criticize your parenting skills. However, if you’re going to offer the kid a seat on your stomach you should really be cleaning your guns not making her dream about rainbows, Twitter, and gheyness.

  2. I’ve been stuck on the notion that if Republicans take the House and Senate, we are not going to see smaller government. Just a stalemate, gridlock and chaos.

    And Palin is saying that Republicans had better grasp/endorse the Tea Party movement or they’re history.

    She see’s it coming, I think. Look at what’s happening in France…

  3. I wonder what MeggieMac’s DU screen name is?

    Your Dad was watching football and ‘rasslin, not teh ghey twitter.

    Being a father these days requires some badassness if you don’t wanr Buttercup to turn out like Rosie or Joy. All Frank has to do is touch his inner Fred Thompson to achice true badassness.

    Who needs science and facts when you can have Michael Moore or Al Gore?

  4. 2. Jimmy says:
    …if Republicans take the House and Senate, we are not going to see smaller government. Just a stalemate, gridlock and chaos.

    Which would be a HUGE improvement over the current situation.

  5. Except things could become quite unpredictable at that point, Damncat. But I guess that’s the nature of political revolutions. Embrace the uncertainty.

    I note the common saying right now on conservative websites is “My powder is dry.”

    My powder is dry.

    (I hope Frank’s powder is badass dry.

  6. For pete’s sake Frank, it’s not too early to think about the Princess’s influences. The Twitters are fine if you want her to think exclusively in 144 character thoughts the rest of her life. At her age, I was busy watching every violent cartoon I could find. The Loony Tunes prolly aren’t on anymore, and much is the pity. I learned much from watching Daffy’s bill spin around after a point blank double-barreled blast from Fudd the hunter. My advice would be to get her watching Johnny Quest. It’s still on, and they haven’t yet censored Race Bannon’s skillful work with a carbine.

  7. I’m really surprised how many people gave gifts to SarahK and I for Buttercup. Never thought we were that likable.

    You’re very likeable (either spelling is correct). That first sentence, however, isn’t grammatical.

    (Sorry, Frank, I know that you don’t like corrections of this sort, but this one was too good to pass up.)

  8. I think the Twitter is ok, for now. However, when the Tea Party takes over and Sarah Palin is POTUS…I would expect Frank’s door to suddenly explode open and a task force of Ninja like US Special Forces to enter lead by a very large man. When he takes his mask off it will be Fred Thompson. He shall proclaim Frank J guilty on the spot of doing child endangerment via the Twitter and Frank will be hauled in for some “rehabilitation” where 60 amps will be applied to his nads until they resemble raisins and he promises to NEVER, EVER do the very ghey Twitter in front of his child again. He shall then be released back into society with a warning that Fred Thompson has his eye on him!!!

  9. Being a father does make me feel more badass… sort of out of necessity

    Savor it while you can.
    You’ll feel a lot less badass when 3 year old FrnakJr makes you kiss her stuffed unicorn goodnight.

  10. Oh yea, and when Fred Thompson sends Frank back with his raisin nads, he will have him listed in the national database of registered Twitter Users! Frank will be required to register with the local police department and will have to put the TU logo on his website. When we see the TU we will all know…teh ghey!

  11. No one who uses “Twitter” for more than toilet paper is permitted to be Badass. I’ll start using Twitter when Fred Thompson gives a class.
    Until then, it’s for sissies…. and buttercup’s.

  12. I think most conservatives are saying they’re looking for a 50 seat gain in the House while secretly hoping for numbers they dare not mention.

    I said it.
    When Bawney Fwank has to loan $200,000 to his campaign, and send his partner (instead of the NY Times, or Boston Globe, or CNN, or MSNBC, or ABC, or NBC, or CBS) to heckle his opponent, 100 looks possible.

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