What’s Going on in Congress Now

So a few things going on in Congress now as we wait for the new guys to take over. One is they’re talking about the earmark ban, and the reasons that’s even has to be discussed is why I hate all politicians. Basically, they bribe their constituents to reelect them with billions of other people’s money. And when you steal that much money, that should be a hanging offense. Which reminds me of one of my reforms for Congress: Right outside the Capitol Building should be the hanging tree. That’s where Congressmen who do wrong end up. They may not listen to censure or public opinion, but everyone listens to hanging.

There is also talk of trying to ram through amnesty in the lame duck session. Just think of all those people who avoided the law for so long waiting to see what prizes they can win! Of course, Democrats figure if they can make more people here illegally voting citizens, that’s more votes for them and they don’t care how they get those. Probably one day they’ll propose letting other countries vote in the U.S. since what we do affects everyone, and guess how things will turn out if Europe votes here. It would be the biggest blow to democracy since letting women vote.

Anyway, they kept saying the GOP is the party of “No” and that when the new guys come nothing will get done. I’m hoping for a lot of that.


  1. The new GOP should change from being the party of no to the party of POP!.

    The dems want to ram through illegal alien voting, leaving us defenseless to the russians, strip searching airline passengers, sending money to the terrorists, death panels, undermining the dollar, and sending Obama on endless vacations. What else is new from the hippies?

  2. Congress is also deciding on suitable punishment for Charlie Rangel. I’m guessing they will make an example of him by issuing a strongly worded letter of disapproval AND giving him a nasty look.

  3. Anyone else ready to disband the GOP yet? Time to setup a new party with new leadership. With a new political alignment that is populist based and relies on blue collar midwestern swing votes instead of northeast RINOs.

    For the record when so many were cheering that Obamacare was dead, over and over again I always sensed they would get it through. Sorry I was right. Of those who though it was dead, I doubt you know Leftists as well as you think you do.

    Repeal will almost certainly never happen. The right needs to start playing the “reform” game. Things that democrats would have an impossible time opposing. Hack away at it until its a shell of its former self. If you dont like that option then you should have done something about it during the 6 years you had control of the white house, house, and senate while unfunded mandates skyrocketed health care costs and they did nothing about it. Even some modest price reform during those would have sapped the ability for Dems to pass anything even a fraction of what they did.

    In short the right needs to start thinking through its @#$@ better. Because they are the only game in town for stopping these group thinking luciferians.

  4. The currently Democratic Congress will put Charlie Rangle on Double Secret Probation and they will issue him a letter in which they will tell him they are “Deeply Disappointed” with him. This letter will be double spaced and “Deeply Disappointed” will be both in bold and italics so that it sends a stern message to the Congressman that we don’t fool around here! The letter will then be signed by the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi to show that it has long lasting effect! Then a press release will be issued about how the Democratic Party has bravely stepped up to the plate and…blah…blah…blah…

    And the hanging tree remains unadorned…

  5. DamnCat said:
    Congress is also deciding on suitable punishment for Charlie Rangel. I’m guessing they will make an example of him by issuing a strongly worded letter of disapproval AND giving him a nasty look.

    Naw, that would be racist and hateful. They are going to apologize for all the oppression that made his “indiscretions” inevitable, as he struggled to make it in a world that was and remains culturally and racially biased against him. Then they are going to apologize because the Ethics Committee has focused on a suspiciously disproportionate number of African-American members (Charlie Rangel AND Maxine Waters!), and they will vow to hunt out white (Rethuglican) corruption with renewed vigor. Then the Black Congressional Caucus is going to walk with him to a prayer breakfast, and claim that he was spat upon by Tea Party hooligans, making the debate all about racial intolerance and not about corruption at all.

  6. Yeah we could do with a couple of decade without “the successes” of this previous Congress. They’ve “successed” us right into the poor house.

    Hope and change, right. Now we don’t have any hope to get any change back, it’ll all go to Crap and Traitors.

  7. they bribe their constituents to reelect them with billions of other people’s money.

    I know how to make one house stop doing that. It didn’t do them any good to bribe you with your money when you didn’t vote for ‘senators’.

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