In some countries, regular incandescent light bulbs have been banned. Some entrepreneurs there have come up with another option than putting a CFL in a lamp, though. Their idea is a heating source that fits in a regular light bulb socket: The Heatball. It’s very efficient as 95% of the energy it uses gets converted to heat (with 5% wasted as light). What a neat idea: Cheap, efficient heating for everyone. Liberals should be all over this.
Of course, since you can’t get light fixtures with a standard base anymore, and the new fixtures are rated for lower CFL wattages, good luck screwing that in anywhere.
They have a point. After all, the Easy Bake Oven won’t work without a Heatball type of device. I cook most of my food in an Easy Bake. It’s just the right size for a cleaned and gutted blackbird.
I’ve been stockpiling lightbulbs for months now. I don’t need any lame HeatBalls.
If you buy one the nice quality ones they are great. My TV setup with with a 40Watt receiver, 170Watt TV, 150W TVPC, 4x150Watt litebulbs . 360+600=960Watts constantly add in 2 adults was like a minioven which made TV watching miserable about 6 months a year. Swapping the 150W litebulbs for the 25W nearly equivalent basically cut it in half to about 450W total. Without having to get a smaller TV or anything. (side note I also made some TVPC changes and dropped another 60W from that)
I cant tell a difference with the good energy bulbs I certainly would notice it a lot less then I did the sweating. Of course I managed to do this without a government mandate, subsidy, regulation, rationing or education programming. So I would make terrible democrat.
Innovate bad. Stagnate good. Remember this and prosper, cave frank.
To paraphrase Dire Straights……”I want my, I want my, I want my light bulbs back.”
What the difference between a pathetic tree hugging marxist and a hippy?
Hippies make a great popping sound when you punch them in their stupid monkey faces
No thanks, I’ll just continue to use my incandescent light bulbs – law or no law. I don’t need a heater in my light socket in July.
There’s a much better and, I might add, time proven product on the market that will provide both light and heat for the average American consumer. I speak of course of…candles. Yes candles! Made from nothing more then biodegradable wax and string, they produce both light and heat at a fraction of the cost of old fashioned light bulbs. Like the horse and carriage they produce zero admissions, are environmentally friendly and…did I say they are biodegradable?
EVERYONE knows that global
warmingclimatetemperaturechangefluctuation is CAUSED by those light bulbs you people bitterly cling too!Why do you think it gets colder at night? All the lights are off, DUH! People who don’t like progressive light bulbs are just racists!
You’re right, Burmashave, those CFLs (Curly Fry Lightbulbs) take forever to
EasyBake a blackbird pie.
It’s been a week and the kitchen is starting to smell funny.
And another thing, Terry, if we don’t have Heatball type of devices, how can we possibly keep baby chicks warm? We produce 1.9 billion chickens each year. Without Heatballs, we’d have 1.9 billion more eggs but no chickens.
Would mailing broken CFL bulbs to Congress for proper disposal be considered an act of domestic terrorism?
The Heatball is brought to you by the great minds behind the society to ban di-hydrogen monoxide.
I’m waiting for the LED lightbulbs to get cheaper. Now there is a good idea.
Candles? Live fire! What could possibly go wrong with today’s product of the educational system? “Well yea, I put the candle under the curtains but I didn’t think about a fire”… Of course it might clean out the gene pool some…
We need lasers that can be used on low settings for reading and on high settings for vaporizing people who get in our business. That would be totally cool!
And today the site is down, I guess the EU was not pleased…