Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.
President Obama said his favorite food is broccoli. Also on his list of favorites…
Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.
President Obama said his favorite food is broccoli. Also on his list of favorites…
…soma, victory gin, soylent puce (’cause soylent green is SO mundane)…
Shootn’ them shotguns!
The 600 series had rubber skin. We spotted them easy, but these are new. They look human… sweat, bad breath, everything. Very hard to spot. I had to wait till he moved on you before I could zero him.
…chien au vin.
… wait, what?? I didn’t know there was a breed of dog called a ‘broccoli!!
…Lobster Thermidor aux crevettes with a Mornay sauce, garnished with truffle pâté, brandy and a fried egg on top and Spam
…reading your emails (and I don’t mean the ones you send him)
…the gays
…pot-smoking, hoodie-wearing, gun-toting, race-baiting, teenage thugs.
…those libertarian thieves.
President Obama said his favorite food is broccoli. Also on his list of favorites…
anything Momma Michelle wants on the list.
President Obama said his favorite food is broccoli. Also on his list of favorites…
Cat, if dog is unavailable.
…bagels. (Or maybe that was “beagles”)
President Obama said his favorite food is broccoli. Also on his list of favorites…
was his real favorite, Big Macs. He was lying about the broccoli.
President Obama said his favorite food is broccoli. Also on his list of favorites…
were many interesting and exotic items but we can’t tell you what they are because of his new orders on leaking information.
President Obama said his favorite food is broccoli. Also on his list of favorites…
a pinch of Doberman.
President Obama said his favorite food is broccoli. Also on his list of favorites…
the souls of unborn children, which is why his support for up to full term abortions is so strong.
President Obama said his favorite food is broccoli. Also on his list of favorites…
Lutefisk. I know it sounds crazy but the man just gotta have his Scandinavian delicacy. Hmmm-hmmmm-good!
…dog bones
…wookie treats
@4 apostic
very nice!
…arugula. but have you seen the price on it lately?
President Obama said his favorite food is broccoli. Also on his list of favorites…
(In best Norm MacDonald voice)
…blue, no, yel – aauuuuuggg…
… are the tears of small children.
… are the lamentations of the women.
… is the highest ranked team in whichever sport he is picking (this week).
… is taking prop bets on the Middle East and Sharknado.
… is learning stuff from the news. The more you now.
…also, on his list of favorites :
Whatever they’ve got at the pound, that’s really fresh.
Whatever Michelle ‘tells him’ to eat when he’s wearing that submissive’s leather harness she owns, and she’s got her heel grinding into his spine….
Seasonal veggies from Kenya and Indonesia.
Hash from Afghanistan, followed by massive amounts of junk food and beer.
“Whatever the 57 Varieties are, and Heinz has, Barry’s gonna’ be there”. [Teresa, John and Warren Buffet ‘made him an offer’.]
President Obama said his favorite food is broccoli. Also on his list of favorites…
Form of Government : Socialist Dictatorship
Type of Sex: Bareback, why else support abortion?
Kind of Economy: Broken, ready for a Socialist a fixin’
Breed of Dog: Edible.
Color: See #22
Movie: Gabriel over the White House
Song: Imagine
Website: IMAO [Ha ha, just kidding]
Butt: Bigguns
… halal-you-can-eat buffets.
… mousey tongue.
…for desert, that wonderful chuckwagon delicacy, Spotted Pup.
… skeet meat.
Heh. Know that one. (Fascism is nothing new in Hollywood…)
…stuff he doesn’t have to pay for.
…chick flicks, unicorns and a little black number that he wears to feel pretty.
…girl bikes.
…Mao, Trotsky, Alinsky, Bieber.
Red sauce on Rottweilers and hollandaised kittens
Bright copper kettles of fresh Brussels Griffons
Brown gravy collies topped with onion strings
These are a few of his favorite things
Cream covered puppies and Boxers with noodles
Dachshunds and Beagles and Schnauzers and Poodles
Properly seasoned taste like chicken wings
These are a few of his favorite things
President Obama said his favorite food is broccoli. Also on his list of favorites…
Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens
Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens
Brown paper packages tied up with strings
These are a few of his favorite things
Cream colored ponies and crisp apple streudels
Doorbells and sleigh bells and schnitzel with noodles
Wild geese that fly with the moon on their wings
These are a few of his favorite things
Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes
Snowflakes that stay on his nose and eyelashes
Silver white winters that melt into springs
These are a few of his favorite things
When he bites dog
When the bee stings
When he’s feeling sad
He simply remembers his favorite things
And then he don’t feel so bad
…Unnonymiss’s uncookies. Especially, chocolate-lab chip and snicker-poodles.
…More foods that Biden hates. Obama is the president, so he gets to decide what the kitchen makes, and Joe has to eat everything on his plate.
Take two.
Eavesdrops on Phonecalls and looking at Emails
Drones for the striking and Green energy Grails
Patriot groups dancing on IRS strings
These are a few of his favorite things
Choom smoking homies and crispy French Poodles
Blarney and Jay Carney and hiding his boodles
Days off to try out his new Pings
These are a few of his favorite things
Economic distresses for which he has no cure
Liberal Flakes that try to keep him so pure
Global warming winters that melt into springs
These are a few of his favorite things
When he bites dog
When the Fees stings
When he’s feeling sad
He simply remembers his favorite things
And then he won’t feel so bad
…things that make you go hmmm…should I have put that on twitter.
….himself, with an extra helping of himself, and all those little cat picture thingys, he saw them in the news.
…the IRS star trek video, but he keeps asking where all the lens flare is that people keep talking about.
Wow, what are the odds of Maverick and walruskkkch typing those at the same time?
…refried lies, the second time one goes through his teeth is even sweeter.
Halal Tubesteak
…is swallowing cookie ingredients and then doing his shake and bake for Michelle.
…stick of butter on a stick.
…tossed salad made from other veggies that someone pretends were grown in the backyard garden and then takes out back and pretends to compost.
…toe jam. Ya don’t think he is bowing that low to just lick a dictators shoes do ya?
…the phrase, “Let me be clear”
…and he does love him some young Brazilian eye-candy.
FYI (For You’alls Info) I clicked on #5 USCitizen’s link. It is a gun rights heavy blog that some of you might find interesting and informative. A chance to actually support your local gunfighter. 🙂
… edicts, Mao, stuffing Ballot Boxes, ruling by Fiat, dictating, vacations, becoming rich on a fixed income.
…whatever’s for dinner at Kermit Gosnell’s residence.
…the Wagyu beef and lobster combo. You’re paying, after all.
…any drink with the little umbrella in it.
@36 Walrus!! You changed the words!!!
Awesome job, btw 😛
…mmm! Gummi de Milo!
. . . throwing like a girl
. . . visiting all fifty-seven states
. . . poodles romanoff
. . . threesomes with the Hildebeest and Janet Napolitano
. . . raising taxes
. . . spending other people’s money
. . . lying
. . . Rahm Emanuel in the French maid outfit
. . . tongue-baths from Chris Matthews
. . . white zinfandel over ice cubes
. . . radicchio, if he could spell it
. . . Milli Vanilli’s greatest hits
. . . farting in the bathtub
. . . his autographed picture of Rev. Jeremiah Wright
@48 Mix in the lyrics with Maverick’s and we got a hit I say.
Needs a little tweaking for better rhythm.
….starving children at school
….having his wife tell him what to do, how to do it, where to do it and when.
….collecting money from brain dead celebrities. You know it’s a shame Bill Clinton didn’t learn a few things from obama. He might have been able to feed that sexual addiction thingy with the castng couch behavior
,,,,is having Big F#*#ing deal and Springtime for Hitler ringtones on his Me-phone.
Wookie depilatory cream.
@54 Nothing sez “Sexy” like a clean shaven Wookie.
@51 I agree 🙂
Take three?
Eavesdrops on Phonecalls and Spying on Emails
Drones for the striking and Gun Owners in Jail
Patriots dancing on IRS strings
These are a few of his favorite things
Choom smoking homies and crispy French Poodles
Blarney and Carney and hiding his boodles
Days off to try out his spanking new Pings
These are a few of his favorite things
Joblessness growing: for which he has no cure
Liberal Flakes who attempt to keep him pure
Proving Gore’s theory frost melts into springs
These are a few of his favorite things
When he bites dog
When the Fees sting
When he’s feeling sad
He simply remembers his favorite things
And then he won’t feel so bad. 🙂
What do you think, walruskkkch?
…a negative GDP.
@56 Sounds great. I knew the Ping line needed another word to keep the rhythm right.
Crunchy Frog, Spring Surprise and Ram’s Bladder Cup.
One last try, including the fine contributions of Maverick.
Eavesdrops on Phonecalls and Spying on Emails
Drones for the striking and Gun Owners in Jail
Patriots dancing on IRS strings
These are a few of his favorite things
Red sauce on Rottweilers and hollandaised kittens
Bright copper kettles of fresh Brussels Griffons
Brown gravy collies topped with onion strings
These are a few of his favorite things
Cream covered puppies and Boxers with noodles
Dachshunds and Beagles and Schnauzers and Poodles
Properly seasoned taste like chicken wings
These are a few of his favorite things
Choom smoking homies and crispy French Poodles
Blarney and Carney and hiding his boodles
Days off to try out his spanking new Pings
These are a few of his favorite things
Joblessness growing: for which he has no cure
Liberal Flakes who attempt to keep him pure
Proving Gore’s theory frost melts into springs
These are a few of his favorite things
When he bites dog
When the Fees sting
When he’s feeling sad
He simply remembers his favorite things
And then he won’t feel so bad.
Number One with a bullet.
Hmmm, perhaps “Owners of gun all rotting in jail.”
Pluralize guns, D’oh! Lousy typing skills!