No Offense, Guys, But You’re Picking a Lousy Role Model

[High Praise! to Freedom Is Just Another Word]

I don’t think there’s necessarily anything wrong with expressing your solidarity with a young man who was killed.

For example, some people wear crosses and say “we are Jesus”.

That movement actually turned out pretty good.


  1. The Left does like to have its martyrs.

    They made heroes out of Sacco & Vanzetti (two anarchist robbers/murderers); Alger Hiss (Commie spy); the Rosenbergs (Commie nuclear spies); Bruno Hauptmann (kidnapper and lousy carpenter); Leopold & Loeb (thrill-murderers).

    So why not a young belligerent punk like Trayvon, who tried to beat up the wrong middle-aged fat guy?

  2. I don’t know about anyone else hereabouts but from this day forward iffin’ I see anyone wearing a hoodie in summer with hood upright,
    I am going to scream bloody murder and accuse them of ‘being masked’ in public.
    So what, if it’s not true. Saint Trayvon wasn’t even a pimple on Emmet Till’s ass, so seemingly, out-in-public lying is perfectly acceptable.
    ….and I ‘m just going with the flow……………………

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