President Obama on Twitter: “Gravity exists. The Earth is round. Climate change is happening.”
Guess he’s hinting that he also wants laws to stop the first two.
President Obama on Twitter: “Gravity exists. The Earth is round. Climate change is happening.”
Guess he’s hinting that he also wants laws to stop the first two.
Putting an opinion next to two facts doesn’t make it a fact.
Johannes Kepler was a scientist; Isaac Newton was a scientist; therefore Obama is a scientist.
Ay, yes: “proof by analogy.” The last refuge of morons. “Gravity exists, the earth is round, and therefore that proves that the next thing I say is also true.”
There’s a Yiddish proverb, “An analogy is not a proof.” All true scientists and users of logic must learn the truth of that saying. All demagogues, grifters and manipulators of the people are free to ignore it.
Water is wet. Tuna is tasty. Obama is full of crap.
The Constitution is shredded. The Republic is dead. Obama is President.
“Gravity exists. The Earth is round. I wanna tax the Hell out of businesses on some pretext or other.”
Would it be to much to ask that the President recognize that the earth is a sphere, not round? Circles are round. The earth is not a circle. Or is that just my inner math teacher coming out?
@2 Larry E.
not so much proof by analogy. more like proof by blatant assertion.
marxists believe anything. One commercial says 95% od scientists! say we need to do something about “climate change” and the stupid marxists buy right into it. Of course the only solution they have is higher taxes.
When I hear 95% from marxists, I think ohio and pennsylvania voters. I think alsharpton’s assertion treadvon martian was innocent. I think of the percentage of dead ambassadors and marines who will vote for hillary. I think of the tax rate osamacare will be needed just for hillaries face lifts.
95% of IMAO readers believe that bobama is the Greatest President in the History of Everything!
@6: Go ahead and get technical, Calvin. The Earth is one of these:
(x²/a²) + (y²/b²) + (z²/c²) = 1
Actually I have to agree with Obama on this one. I do believe there is climate change going on. I believe it can honestly be said there has been climate change on this planet for at least the last 10,000 or so years. It’s a fact that since the end of the last ice age (which wasn’t the first ice age) the Earth has been warming up (with the exception of a 500 or so year long anomaly known as the Little Ice Age) which ended in the 19th century. I also believe this climate change will continue until the next ice age when it’ll get damn cold again.
What Canute couldn’t achieve Obama will.
For those living in 2-D the earth is round. To those of us living in 3-D, the earth is a spheroid. Fun fact: Joe Biden actually sees in 1.2-D which is why he can be completely mesmerized using a simple yo-yo.
Isn’t the Earth not completely spherical, but slightly bulged in the middle?
Thee may be no such thing as zero gravity but we have all heard of it and weightlessness is provable by the substance of his arguments. And Biden’s brain.
Ambassadors are dying, Bo is flying, Obama is lying.