So Jezebel has this headline: “DC Comics Contest: Draw a Naked Woman Committing Suicide.” Ends up, it’s a drawing contest to draw Harley Quinn about to commit suicide, and one of those methods is here in a bathtub about to drop plugged in appliances to it. So, for that she’d be naked, because that’s how people bathe. Or is it sexist to think women bathe naked? I don’t really understand feminism.
Anyway, I can see how the whole thing is objectionable, but if you’re going to get all feminist about comic books, do you really want to rally around Harley Quinn — a girl slavishly devoted to a mass murderer? I mean, the place to start — as it has been for years — is the outfits the superheroines wear. I can only assume none of the female superheroes have fathers, because they would absolutely horrified at their daughters running around saving the world while dressed like strippers.
Harley Quinn is a perfect stand-in for feminists, because while theoretically powerful & dangerous on her own, she is, in fact, slavishly devoted to a man who finds her an amusing & occasionally useful trifle.
So no one has a problem with the contest being depicting a suicide?
But they **are** saving the world. So that got that goin’ for them.
Hummm, So does this mean Miley Cyrus is actually a female super hero?
With the way women are dressed in Comic books, they pretty much are naked. It’s as if the only materials they are allowed to use in their uniforms is paint or spandex. And they are all hot, except she-hulk. She kind of reminds me of Michelle Obama.
“Professor Hale hurt She-Hulk feelings. She-Hulk smash puny professor!”
A) The contest organizers did not say the images had to be sexually charged. I think it might be funny to have Harley in a bath, in costume, with all manner of appliances about to drop and not having any water in the tub.
B) If you are looking for positive female role models, how about looking at someone who is NOT
1- a villain.
2- in a medium that admits it is marketed for adolescent boys OR in a contest intended to get as much attention as possible.
3- insane, literally.
A character known for personifying hyperbole.
@Mrs. Campbell – So not Michelle Obama – got it.
I would like to point out that male super-heroes wear pretty much the same skin tight outfits. There is no double standard. Unless Spider-Man is sporting a pair of cargo pants these days.
But it is a double standard, because it’s male empowerment fantasy.
Female super heroes dressed as strippers? Sexist.
Male super heroes dressed as strippers? Double sexist.
Get with the program man.