She’s back!
Anonymiss of Nuking Politics picked her favorite punchlines to “Ted Cruz’s Obamacare Filibuster Included a Reading of “Green Eggs and Ham”. Obama’s Response…”
Click here to see if you made the cut.
If you did, you should probably email Keln about becoming a guest blogger there.
If you didn’t, I’ll have a new line for you tomorrow.
Keep trying. No one likes a quitter.
Cookies! I will survive! Praise Jesus! Praise Chico! Praise the Man!
I am truly relieved at the safe return of Anony. I have not slept. Whenever I closed my eyes, I had visions of her being abducted by OJ.
You’ll eat my budget, Congress-Man,
And you’ll like it, or be d@mned.
Obama-Care rammed down your throat,
Just get free health care if you choke.
99 can live off 1 for free,
This can continue indefinitely.
You have no money to spend at the store?
Not to worry, we’ll print more.
Your EBT card buys you booze,
Or a late-term abortion, if you choose.
We’ll not surrender one red cent
Of taxes to fund our government.
So just take that, weak Congress-man,
It’s all part of a glorious plan.
‘Cause I know best what’s right for you,
And you, and you, and especially you.
Sorry, I was AFK when this was current.
Welcom back to Miss Anony – our over-baked, cookie overlord! Hahaha.
And, Crabby, don’t do that again! (AFK)
@2 Awwwwww 🙂 I missed you guys too.
@3 Too bad you were AFK…that was pretty good 🙂
@5 Wait. Did you just call me OLD????