WWII Vets Liberate WWII Memorial!

[High Praise! to Derek of Awesometific American]

Washington Post headline: “Visiting veterans storm closed war memorials”

Derek says:

With the government shut down we can no longer defend our national monuments from 80 and 90 year old World War 2 veterans. If Obama cannot stop them how can he stand up to Iran?


  1. If the National Mall and the surrounding monuments are available when the government is closed for federal holidays why has the Obama administration gone to the extreme of barricading the monuments during this government slim down? I understand a park that has a gate that needs to be staffed but an open area that has no such staffing. It is a very petulant childish gesture done purely out of political vitriol. What really gets my temper up is trying to deny WWII Veterans access to the WWII memorial. These Honor Flights are privately funded endeavors to get this rapidly disappearing group of Veteran’s a chance to see a long overdue memorial to their sacrifice. It isn’t just a tourist out seeing the sights it is a moving experience for these Veterans and a chance for them to remember long departed brothers in arms. Many of these Veterans can’t just wait a couple months and see it then; the sad truth is some of them won’t be around in a couple months. Here in South Dakota the Honor Flight program has run its course all the WWII Veteran’s that were able to make the trip have gone. Our local Honor Flight coordinator would give us updates at the monthly American Legion meetings and there were sad accounts of a Veteran who was scheduled to make the trip dying the day before the flight or of Veterans that made the trip and passed on shortly after returning home. Is barricading this monument to deny these heroes what may well be their only chance to visit the monument worth the political posturing?

  2. Was listening to Richard and Linda Thompson sing “Withered and Died” this time I saw that and it was perfect: I’ve only sad stories to tell to this town Because my dreams have withered and died. It was even recorded live in DC, heh.

  3. The House is trying to work things out. The Senate (so far…) refuses to work with the House. And Pres. O is with the Senate. Tho he suspended (without legislation) the Obamacare for businesses till 2015 he refuses to do the same for personal Obamacare.

    So it’s not all of Congress!

    And the only GOOD thing out of the Obamacare and budget mess…is to see these brave old men charge the Memorial.

    (PS why is is more important to guard this WW2 memorial from the Vets…than to guard , say, Benghazi???)

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