Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.
President Obama said his biggest mistake in office…
Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.
President Obama said his biggest mistake in office…
President Obama said his biggest mistake in office…
not putting down some newspaper when Biden visits.
is not being able to define either biggest or mistake.
not enough cowbell.
…was letting those pesky kids confound his plans…
…pretending the Constitution matters.
…was not having colorful stickers placed on all the glass doors…
…was blinked out in moorse code as Valerie Jarrett and Shoulders McBoobbelt stood at arm’s length.
. . . was not having memorized the names of all fifty-seven states
. . . was not keeping the choom in his desk in the oval office humidified properly
Was reading a newspaper.
…was really quite minor when compared with the mistakes of the electorate in ’08 and ’12.
was….Hey, you can’t ask that. It’s racist.
..too much golf, not enough totalitarianism.
…was difficult to pick out from so among many.
… was telling Biden to “go stand in the corner and think about what you’ve done” when he said that one stupid thing that one time, you remember?
@8–Doggone, Burt, rub it in, why don’t you.
…being so constituted that an alternate course of action never occurs to him at the time—-no wait, that’s John Carter.
President Obama said his biggest mistake in office…
…was allowing Michelle to plan meals.
…was that he was too caring.
…he was never able to share his Muslim faith openly…. Er, Christian faith.
…was that he never was able to get the National Debt up to the quadrillions
Was not holding whiskey when he did the tango and foxtrot. That would have been perfect.
Feeding Michelle after midnight; or maybe it was feeding Biden once at all.
. . . was admitting that he had ever, in his entire life, made a mistake.
Using the 5-iron instead of the 3-iron on that 14th hole
… was being sooo perfect that entirely unbiased comedians had nothing to joke about.
… Was the birthrate. Every one was a missed opportunity for planned parenthood.
…was not having more justices killed, and much earlier.
…gave ammunition to the grammer nazis because he always puts the I before e, no matter what.
…grabbing your crotch while wearing mom jeans is just creepy, even in a room full of rappers.
President Obama said his biggest mistake in office…
was spending half a day looking for it, when Biden told him to stand in the corner on their first trip to the Oval Office.
was the speed at which foreign leaders realized he was a joke, and it was on America.
was not instituting the 110% tax bracket. That would have solved the debt problem.