Straight Line of the Day: Some Tell-Tale Signs That Hillary Might Be Accepting Illegal Campaign Donations…

Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.

Some tell-tale signs that Hillary might be accepting illegal campaign donations…


  1. Some tell-tale signs that Hillary might be accepting illegal campaign donations…

    she is complaining about illegal campaign contributions.

    Bill is up to his rear in Hookers.

    THe day ends in a ‘y’.

  2. Some tell-tale signs that Hillary might be accepting illegal campaign donations…

    Loretta Lynch said that after an exhaustive investigation, there wasn’t a smidgen of evidence.

    Unbiased George Stuffinenvelopes said she isn’t. So there.

  3. …all the guest BR’s at the White House are booked solid for 3,000 years.

    …all the rich liberals in Hollywood have one part of their anatomy covered.

    …all her fund raisers are billed as Bring Your Own Horse Head.

    …her gaping maw does feel some ways tired but there’s much less blood and gore.

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