While deeply mired in the denial stage, I’ve been trying to convince myself how I could justify voting for Trump. This is all I’ve got.
- He self-identifies as President of the United States, so we are obligated to accept him as that
- He’ll be impervious to sex scandals
- You’ll be able to take a selfie of yourself with his cardboard cutout at the Trump Re-education Camp
- The re-education at the Trump Re-education Camp was designed by the same experts that designed the curriculum at Trump University, so you won’t really end up brainwashed
- It will be good for you if you own stock in the National Enquirer
- One of his first actions in office will be to make it legal to punch anyone in the face who disagrees with him, and hippies are notoriously critical of Trump
- Do we really need two Koreas
- If he’s President, he won’t need to contribute to the Clinton Foundation for favors anymore
- The inevitable Ivanka/Tiffany reality show is bound to give the Karadashians some much needed competition
- Why would anybody want the same First Lady for four years straight
- When the nation goes bankrupt, well, no worries. If there is one thing he knows
- Unpredictability from a superpower is good for global stability, right?
- Presidential press conferences will be indistinguishable from a SNL skit
- TrumpCare has a much better ring to it, and again, when it goes bankrupt…
- Sean Hannity, Bill O’Reilly and Ann Coulter will finally get those leg tinglings they’ve been coveting
- And Chris Matthews will be able to walk again
Unpredictability from a superpower is good for global stability, right?
Well, a crazy person in command of the world’s two* largest air forces and nuclear weapons would not be ignored when he says, “You don’t want to do that.”
*I read somewhere that the US Navy is the world’s second largest air force, behind the US Air Force.
I, for one, welcome our Trump overlords.
@1, of course, I really see a problem when the other world leader in the exchange is equally crazy….
If there’s one thing we’ve learned from Trump’s bankrupcies, it’s that Trump is tenacious.
So, if he doesn’t win the presidency, he’s just going to try again in four years, eight years, … (see also: European Union).
Best to get it out of the way quickly.
He isn’t Hillary Clinton.
He never spares, he never tires…he’s no spare tire!
Lactose @3–Yeah, there is that. Positive number times a positive number=a positive number; a negative number x a negative number is a positive number; a negative number times a positive number=a negative number.
Only thing is this like some sort of n-dimensional vector multiplication; some of the terms are positive, some are real, and I ain’t sure if some of the terms aren’t imaginary.
Hand-waving a few steps (’cause we don’t know the numbers nor even the dimensions of the matrices involved anyway)—
Therefore, “put not your trust in princes.”
@7 Ya. Nothing like a little chaos to liven things up. I can hardly wait.
@7 And many of the term are irrational.
With respect to the late great Fred Thompson, Trump borrows three of his key campaign promises from him:
Secure the borders
Kill the terrorists
Punch the hippies.
#1: he’d not Hillary Clinton.
@11, Bob: That’s probably his greatest strength; second would be, as someone in these parts (here or Nuking Politics I think) that he loves America. Three?