Carnival of the Vanities is being hosted by that crazy Laurence Simon. Watch out!
Zogby blog calls me a bitch for not blogrolling them and sends me this post about killing Jersey Gesse. I used to live in Jersey and I hated those damn Canadian geese.
Kim du Toit says some bad things about the NRA. But I like the NRA!
I’ll be updating the Peace Gallery tomorrow after work. I know a lot of you were planning to get in some photos, so, if you can, get them to me before then. I’d also like some Chomps candidates (the shirt on an angry looking dog). Let’s do some good work for this!
Maybe it’s just me, but when I think “Chomps”, I think of the bunny-killing Rottweiler at the top of Misha’s blog. He looks pretty angry…
Jersey has stopped killing the geese (note the spelling).
Hey, sometimes I’m too lazy to use spell check. I spelled it both ways in my post, so I covered all bases.