Lunch with Whitler

I just got back from having lunch with Bill Whittle. Once I recover from that horrible experience, I’ll write more details.
BTW, I’ve fallen behind in this poll. Go vote for me now, unless, rather than cover your back, you want me to empty a magazine in it.
UPDATE: Somehow, I think some of this is directed at me. Well, I won’t take this lying down! Sitting in an ergonomically comfortable way, yes – but not lying down!
But where does the Emperor’s vote lay?


  1. You mean magazine. Empty a magazine into somebody’s back…
    While some weapons do use clips, none of the ones you have mentioned owning do.
    Sorry, but the clip/magazine thing bugs me almost as much as those who say podium when they mean lectern. Or those people who say “ATM machine.” As long as we’re talking about people who need to be shot.

  2. You have trouble with a dictionary and you want people to trust you to cover their backs?
    This is war. You’re going down, Frank. Not that I have a dog in this fight–nosireee–I’m completely impartial.
    Mentioning that I’d hand out free virtual cookies (white or chocolate chips) to anyone who votes for Kim would just be WRONG, so I won’t do that.

  3. Frank, while I’d have you on my ass kicking team, I still had to vote for Kim Du Toit. Not only is he a fine example of a fellow Texan asskicker, but Kim’s RCOB rage would make most arabs shit themselves in terror, which is a definite plus on the battlefield.

  4. Everyone must fear Frank J. and almighty powerful influence. Either that or some of us don’t have jobs.
    Wait, don’t have a job and vote multiple times? Ack I am a Democrat, I must go shoot something……ahhhh shooting hippies cures all.

  5. hi all. long time reader (well, since the summer), first time (and most likely very infrequent) poster. I signed up for the fanclub but never got any pads. So I voted for Kim.

  6. It’s too bad you can’t have more than one blogger covering your six, but I still voted for Misha once, Frank twice*, Allah once, Kim Du Toit once, Whittle once, and the Frogman once.
    *=When you’re stuck in a foxhole and coming under heavy fire, who better to guard your back than a genius with quite a few guns and a nice, shiny katana (useful for melees and in case ninjas attack)? Besides, the Nuke The Moon T-shirt, as well as being bulletproof, has a host of other superpowers which would definitely prove useful.

  7. Okay new server now. Got a cool proggy up and voting for ya…
    Voting for Frank J…1260 results so far now. 34 seconds until next vote.
    Voting for Frank J…1261 results so far now. 56 seconds until next vote.

  8. Just went there again and voted repeatedly for Frank (as well as Misha and Allah). Not once did that stupid, oblivous piece of coding called a poll figure out what I was doing. Heh, heh, heh…
    For IMAO! For the Empire! For Allah!
    PS: The poll results have been skewed beyond belief.
    PPS: How long will it take before this mess breaks out into a war?

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