Bill O’Reilly Loathes Bloggers

he really does. he’s hated us ever since the elections when he first heard of a blog. ever since one or two blogs said ugly things about him, he’s thought the majority of us to be vicious slandering monsters.
last night after O’Reilly’s discussion of the world’s slimiest blogs, i called up my good friend Bill and asked him a few questions.

BILL: are you going to blog this?
SARAHK: of course not, Bill! i’m just being inquisitive, because it’s better to listen to a friend than talk to one.
BILL: good, i hate blogs and bloggers. they’re just below pondscum on my filth scale.
SARAHK: so… scraping the bottom of the barrel tonight, huh?
BILL: hmm? oh, you mean those two last men on the planet that i interviewed about sleazy, slimy blogs? i hope they don’t know they were not my first choices.
SARAHK: well, i think you told them. said something about trying to get 4,000 different politicians on to talk about blogs, but they wouldn’t because they were scared of us. ‘but you guys, you guys were not chicken. good thing, too, as you are the last men on the planet i could have asked.’
BILL: i said that? hmm. i should lay off the drugs.
SARAHK: so. do you want to tell me more about these drugs?
BILL: i take at least 4 advil a day, and it really messes with my mind.
SARAHK: thanks for your time, Bill. oh, one more question, and please speak very clearly into the phone.
BILL: sure, SarahK.
SARAHK: do you like blogs?
BILL: i spit on them!
nice man, that O’Reilly. don’t tell him i blogged the conversation.


  1. For those of you who aren’t Fox News savvy firstly shame on you and secondly Roger Ailes owns FNC.
    Disclaimer: I do not now nor have I ever worked for Fox News, Roger Ailes, Bill O’Reilly, News Corp or any other person likely to be slandered by liberal morons, though that would be really cool.

  2. Pardon me, but f- Bill O’Reilly.
    If he wants to attack Media Matters (complete with its mega-idiot Oliver Willis) and George Soros, then he should say so.
    Letting Media Matters (complete with its mega-idiot Oliver Willis) and Soros represent all bloggers is like saying that Pat Robertson represents all right-wingers or Ted Rall represents all left-wingers or Bill Bucker represents all baseball players.

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