Know Thy Enemy Supreme Court Nominee: Harriet Miers

Well, so far no one seems to like Bush’s new pick for the Supreme Court, Harriet Miers. I even went to DU trying to hope they picked up on something conservative she said to shake their tiny fists about in impotent rage, but all they were able to come up with was “cronyism.” Well, since Miers was not a judge and doesn’t have a record to go by, I had my crack research staff look up what they could that might indicate the kind of judge Harriet Miers will be. Most of it is quite disheartening, though.

* Once was spotted spoon feeding the Constitution, giving evidence to that she considers it a living document.
* Was quoted as saying, “My favorite of the Godfather series is the third movie,” which shows horrible judgment that could affect many cases.
* Untraditional spelling of “Myers” could mean a free-going, liberal personality.
* May not be a friend of conservatives since she gave money to the Church of Satan… and even Clinton and Gore!
* Was a follower of Lord Voldemort during the height of his reign of terror, but, after his fall, said she was under the effects of an Imperius Curse (what Death Eater didn’t claim that?).
* Commitment to capitalism is called into question by the Che Guevara tattoo on her shoulder (there are unconfirmed rumors of a Chairman Mao tattoo elsewhere).
* Her views on Roe v. Wade are unknown, but she has been arrested multiple times for punching pregnant women in the stomach.
* Will she overturn Kelo? Well, she got her current house by squatting.
* In a fight between Harriet Miers and Aquaman, Miers beat Aquaman within in an inch of his life but didn’t finish him off because of an apparent dislike of guns.
* She is a mammal… just like Souter!


  1. No, really. What is the deal??? The real Bush is definately not as tough and brave as the IMW Bush. Fah! He shoulda shoved a real conservative constitutional constructionist (3 times…real fast!) down their throats.

  2. Nanu, nanoo! (Greetings, Earthlings!)
    I come from the planet NeeFookinPootang in search of a cheap & unintelligent female into which to deposit my surpluss reproductive tadpole reserves. Your “neoconcowgal” should do nicely.
    thanks and chao!
    (has now left the solar system)

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