Smurf War Scandal!

Oh, you can bet the MSM is gonna have a field day with this one:
smurf abu ghraib.jpg
Look, we were just trying to soften him up so that he’d tell us where the Weapons of Smurfy Destruction were hidden. It’s a standard interrogation practice. Let’s not over-react.


  1. I don’t know what all the fuss is about war is war and war is hell…
    Besides we’re way over due on kicking some smurf butt, they’re nothing but pinko facist commie’s and a threat to our way of life…
    Kill em all I say let what’s his face sort em out…

  2. That fits better than you might think, none white, goofy hats, few women in sight, chased by the evil Jew, and they liked bombing the piss out of Brainy. Think about it, what was the cats name?

  3. How can you people be so cruel. First you advocate killing high IQ fish and then you want to kill small blue creatures that harm no one. What a bunch of warmongers. Every smurf that dies has a story. He is someone’s father, brother, son, lover (or, smurf biology being poorly understood, all of them together maybe). Anyway, at least when Clinton was smurfing Lewinski, not a single smurf died.
    Bush lied, fish fried, smurfs died! Bush lied, fish fried, smurfs died! Bush…

  4. in an effort to justify the actions of our nation, i have this to say.
    come on. how can anyone describe these tactics as torture? you may think that is an ear, but that is really the corner of a smile on the side of his face.
    do you know anyone who smiles while being tortured?

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