Senator Harry Reid was found this morning at 3:00 AM in the Potomac with cement blocks on his feet. The cops originally had leads on the case pointing toward the Alito crime family, but the new Washington DC Police Force (replacing the old one who all died together in a tragic car accident) instead sees no connection.
Will they play Styxx at his confirmation?
Domo irigato Mr. Alito!
Heh, heh, heh. Who do you think got rid of Miers?
I’m absolutely convinced at least one of the senators who will oppose Alito cough Kennedy cough has already awakened to multiple dead hookers.
I’m shocked no LLLs have yet made the aural connection between “Alito” and “Elite, Oh!”
Ted Kennedy probably is used to the dead hookers, although I’m sure he knows the cement shoes won’t give him the proper arch support for bar-hopping
Senator Harry Reid was found this morning at 3:00 AM in the Potomac with cement blocks on his feet. The cops originally had leads on the case pointing toward the Alito crime family, but the new Washington DC Police Force (replacing the old one who all died together in a tragic car accident) instead sees no connection.