Is It Time for Religious Intolerance?

As Americans, we instinctively respect the cultures of others because that’s what we’re taught, but I was reading this post by La Shawn Barber (hat tip to Malkin) and got thinking that I really should do a critical look at Islam. Is it possible that the Muslims who are for peace and tolerance are the ones who aren’t following the teachings of their religion. Should we wake up and actually start condemning not just the terrorists, but the religion as well?
For something as serious as that, I’ll have to actually do some research. Any book recommendations such as good translation of the Koran and some good books discussing Islam?


  1. I’ve suggested it before, but I think we should turn 9/11 into “Do Unto Muslims Day”, where whatever was done by Muslims to non-Muslims and not condemned by the governments of the top ten Muslim countries becomes fair game to do to Muslims in the US for 24 hours. This would include beheadings (both kidnapping and official, state sponsored beheadings of clerics as was done to Christian missionaries by Saudi Arabia in the early 90’s). Burning of Korans, mass crucifixions, selling into slavery, killing the men and forcing the women to be married to Christians, as in Sudan. Crashing airliners full of Muslims into the towers in Malaysia. Stuff like that. Basically force CAIR/etc. into a corner to either put up or shut up on Islam as a religion of peace. If no Islamic terror or intolerance is shown in the previous 12 months, then 9/11/xx that year would be uneventful. It’s all up to them. Kind of a “Day the Earth Stood Still” option for peace. If nothing else, the very proposal and its outrageousness puts the rhetoric of the CAIR/”US is the real terrorist” crowd on the defensive. Where it should be. After all, if we are worse than them, then acting like them instead of ourselves would be an improvement in the treatment of Muslims, wouldn’t it?

  2. yes, we should wake up. look all over the world and every conflict you see involves a religion that is trying to create a separatist state …maybe the Muslim religion is a religion of peace but if so why do so many of its followers want to kill everyone who doesn’t agree with them? and why do they want to raise their children to blow them up?

  3. I was waiting for the punchline after Aaron linked to Chick publications. It seems he was serious.
    Learning about religion from Jack Chick is the equivalent of learning about politics from Democratic Underground.
    It will only make you dumber.

  4. It’s serious and complicated. Many of the wackiest teachings aren’t in the Koran, but later teachings by various clerics. Kinda like how the Mormon “special underwear” isn’t in the Book of Mormon, it’s in later books. As far as the Koran itself, every Muslim I’ve known says there’s no such thing as a good English translation, to understand the meaning you have to understand Arabic and Arab culture. So it’s best (in the interest of time) to read what other people have written (i.e. let them be the ones to spend X years learning Arabic and studying the culture.)

  5. Of course, the later writing of the wackiest clerics and followers are related to the Koran in roughly the same way that the Epistles are related to the Gospels, so they carry no less weight for the devout Muslim. A devout Muslim could no sooner ignore them than you or I could ignore Romans or 1 Corinthians.

  6. Next, you’ll be coming after us Baal worshippers!
    If I want to throw my first-born into the burning belly of a golden idol, that’s part of my noble and ancient culture, dammit.
    Oh, and you’re a racist, too. Just so you kknow that I know…

  7. For something as serious as that, I’ll have to actually do some research.
    That doesn’t sound like the Frank J. we’ve all come to know and love.
    I’ve always like it better when you just made shit up.

  8. The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (And the Crusades) Robert Spencer
    Michelle Malkin, bestselling author and columnist
    “The courageous Robert Spencer busts myths and tells truths about jihadists that no one else will tell.”

  9. I’ve been reading and taking notes on the Koran. But I’ve really slowed down, because there’s too much anti-Jew (and anti-Christian) stuff in it. This is the well-regarded translation by Abdullah Yusuf Ali. I bought it on EBay for $9.99. It’s eighteen hundred pages. I’ve read the first 275 pages. There’s some weird stuff in that book.

  10. Read Feet of Clay, about Narcissitic Personality Disorder and how nearly everyone who founded a cult (and some religions) had it. It is too PC to go after the founder of Mormonism or Islam, but you can see the patterns.
    I have Islam specific book recommendations (Well I read “Why I am Not A Muslim”) But you don’t even need that, just read the Koran, and take a history lesson taught by a Muslim.
    Muslims will not deny that:
    1. Muhammed killed people. He wwas NOT a pacifist like Jesus or the Buddha.
    2. Muhammed started PRE-EMPTIVE wars to protect himself and his clan from those who he said wanted to kill him (like the ChimpHitler).
    3. Muhammed had a harem, even though he said marry no more than 4 women, and it’s better to marry only 1. He had special dispensation, just like Joseph Smith.
    4. Muhammed married his 11 year old cousin (another trait of the Smiths and Koresh’s) Though now-days Muslims say it was to protect her from those who wished to harm him by harming her, not to do you-know-what with her.
    That’s all I need to know. A religion founded by someone like that, well it’s not even worth learning what it teaches (though I did learn since I took over a year of history of Islam and the mideast and some arabic while in College. The FBI probably has a file on me 🙂

  11. I have been saying for a while that those tollerant muslims are not fllowing their religion as their supposed to (which I am grateful for actually) and I have come to the conclusion that if you realy look at the koran and islam you will find that it si not a religion of hugs and candy but more of death and poisoned dates (remember Indiana Jones? lol). Anywho, just my 2 cents and the way I see things, cheers. Anyone wondering I have some info I can send you/books you should read.

  12. @ Medic:
    Sure tolerant muslims may not be following the koran precisely, but then if you read the old testament there is some wierd crap in there.
    Like if your brother dies and he is married without kids, and you are not married, then you must have children with his wife.
    Or else your family is condemned for some huge number of generations.

  13. Here’s what appears to be the irreconcilable problem I have with Islam, in bullet form. According to the koran:
    -To murder a single person is the same as murdering everyone (i.e. it’s bad)
    -Non-muslims are not ‘people’ (we are instead infidels), so they don’t apply to the first bullet point.
    -Infidels have to be converted or killed. There might be a caveat that says we can continue to live as infidels as a second class citizen, but if so I have not read it.
    -Lying to an infidel is AOK.
    So the muslim equivalent to a christian “holy roller” wants to kill us or convert us, but will lie and say not to worry, ’cause you can trust him.
    How do you deal with that mentality?

  14. One of the best books on Islam I have
    ever read is…Islam and Terrorism.
    Written by Mark A. Gabriel, Ph.D.
    [He is a former professor of Islamic history at Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt.]
    The book is published by Charisma House.
    I purchased it at B.& N.
    This guy lived and breathed Islam and
    taught Islam at Cairo University.
    I consider it a MUST READ if you want the “inside story” on Islam.

  15. I second “Unveiling Islam” by Dr. Caner. I’ve read the book. It has a decidedly Evangelical Christian take on Islam, as Dr. Caner and his brothers gave their lives to Christ and then he wrote this book as a way for fellow Christians to understand Islam and to reach out to Muslims. It’s very straightforward and factual and has the advantage of being an insider’s view. Caner was either disowned or estranged from his father as a result of his conversion.

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