(A Precision Guided Humor Assignment)
Showing less self-control than a Democratic Underground troll hopped up on Red Bull and commenting at Free Republic, the President of Iran has recently made foolish statements such as “Israel should be wiped off the map”, “the Holocaust never happened”, and “developing a nuclear weapons program within flying distance of the Israeli Air Force is perfectly sensible”.
To regain his credibility as “sane” in international diplomatic circles, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad decided to publish a pamphlet of interesting facts about Iran. Even though I can’t read the drunken-monkey-fingerpainting that passes for their written language, I’m sure that my translation is at least as accurate as any given CBS news report.
- Iran is a large, Middle Eastern country covering 600,000 square miles of territory just east of Iraq that REALLY needs to get beat up and have its oil stolen.
- Iran was originally settled by a busload of people who got lost on their way to a 7-11 Owners’ Convention.
- Iran is ruled by the “Council of Guardians” who strictly enforce the Koran’s edicts all across the land. Living in Iran is like the Muslim version of living at Ned Flanders’ house.
- I guess that would make the US troops in Iraq like Homer Simpson.
- Mmmm… infidelicious…
- The Iran-Iraq border is still littered with land mines from the Iran-Iraq war. If you need to sneak across the border, bring a Mexican to show you how to do it right.
- Before the founding of the Muslim empire in the region in 700 AD, there used to be two other countries between Iran and Iraq – namely Irao and Irap.
- For 8 years, Iran battled Iraq to a standstill, a feat that the Americans were unable to duplicate for almost an entire day during the Gulf War.
- If something smells like the back end of a camel, it could be the front end of an Iranian.
- Although some people – mostly filthy hippies – say that Iran is no threat to us, I still find it suspicious that their initials stand for Islamic Radicals Aren’t Nice.
- Soon to stand for Idiots Receive American Nuking.
- In a battle between Iraq and Aquaman, Aquaman would raise an army of jellyfish and… right… who am I kidding? The Iranians would chop him into lutefisk before he even hit the beach.
- Iran’s national symbol is:
I have NO idea… a pole-dancing penguin wearing a Mario moustache, maybe?
Hopefully this information will encourage understanding and dialogue between our two nations, ushering in an era of peace that will last for centuries or until we finish stealing their oil.
NO, it’s the aljazeera pringles man.
“developing a nuclear weapons program within flying distance of the Israeli Air Force is perfectly sensible”
LOL! It’s funny and it’s prophetic. Come March, it’s gonna be Osirak redux.
Your translatin is spot on, Harvey; however, the best part about that post is that I am now an expert on lutefisk.
Look like a supervillain’s agency logo.
CRAW (Criminal Really Against Wombats)
“pole-dancing penguin wearing a Mario moustache”
Glenn must have had a hand in it.
Mmmmm… Lutefiskilicios…
Wait. Since when did Fun Facts about Iran become Fun Facts about Minnesota (said before reading the Wikipedia article)?
Well, Minnesota IS about 90% Iranian, right? Like in that movie “Fargo”.
Or maybe I’m thinking of “Hidalgo”?