. . . but this is where I’ve been spending all my time during my honeymoon . . .
No, not for THAT reason. Sadly, and I do mean SADLY! Since leaving port yesterday, I’ve had near constant sea sickness. I get motion sickness from riding the merry-go-round, so I’m not particularly surprised. In addition to the motion of the ocean, I the mighty Frank J may have been felled by some sushi I had for dinner last night in one of the ship restaurants . . .this stuff may not be fully cooked!
It was delicious (the first time I tasted it anyway). I’ve left the content of my stomach on three separate decks so far. SarahK wouldn’t even hold my hair! Said the she was afraid of the domino puke effect and I was a ‘mighty sicky Mr. Wonderpuke” [Sigh] Married bliss. I’m green, so all I need now is a killer sunburn and I’ll look like a something something Christmas ornament.
Archive of entries posted on 18th December 2005
this explains a lot . . .
bears and packer fans should appreciate this (i would say lions fans as well, but i’m not sure if there actually are any out there)
Mike Tice, coach of the Minnesota Vikings, was taken to the emergency room at the Hennepin County Medical Center late Saturday night complaining of severe abdominal pain. X-rays revealed that Tice had a large foreign object stuck up his rear. Doctors estimate that it had been there for six weeks, but were successfully able to remove it prior to kickoff of the Vikings’ game with Pittsburgh on Sunday.
A stroke of genius
Any word from “Chief Palestinian Negotiator” Saeb Erekat yet about Ariel Sharon’s recent stroke?
I’m assuming he’ll say something like:
“We condemn the unilateral withdrawal of bloodflow from Ariel Sharon’s brain as an aggressive and hostile act by Israel. Any withdrawal of bloodflow from his brain MUST be negotiated with the Palestinians!”
All I can say is thank God Shimon Peres quit the government when he did.
Good luck, Ehud Olmert!
One of the many reasons to hate Canada
Did you know that Wayne Gretzky once tried to copyright the number 99?
Imagine, having to pay a buck Gretzky for that Big Mac, or hearing “Gretzky Luftballoons” over the radio.
Madness, I tell you.
Sad news. His mother has just died after a long illness.
Totally natural. No assists.
Exploiting your attention
Now that Frank and Sarah are out of the picture for a while, I guess this is the perfect time for all of us to shamelessly plug all of our other projects besides IMAO.
For instance, I’m working on a project called davidcopperfield.isfullofcrap.com because there’s nobody in the world more full of crap than David Copperfield.
Man, someone ought to slap that guy.