Go over to GOP and College and caption the picture of Howard Dean with a halo of lights around his head.
Archive of entries posted on 6th December 2005
Comedy Of Carnival Reminder
Hey sportsfans, Chadrafans and ceiling fans!
The Carnival of Comedy is approaching like some sort of runaway literary device.
This weeks host? Why it’s going to be Blonde Sagacity.
Dec 8 – Blonde Sagacity
Dec 15 – Right Wing Testimonial
Dec 22 – Cadet Happy
Want to enter? Go here, or here.
Just a few days till carnival time!
Much to my shock, there will be a BlogJam about Internet Governance and some other technologically complex stuff at Pajamas Media today. Apparently, the Internet is too powerful and complex to leave in the hands of the Global Zionist Conspiracy or Haliburton or whomever runs it these days.
Someone’s running it, right? It’s not just running wildly out of control like Bobcat Goldthwait on the Tonight Show, right?
Oh, and one of the participants is named Laurence Simon. (No relation)
Let’s see if he pulls a Frank J. and forgets to plug IMAO or the podcast.
PS: “Spacemonkey Runs The Internet” is, in fact, a Lost Episode of the IMAO Podcast that was recorded in the 50’s, lost in the archives, and then rediscovered when Spacemonkey cleaned out his trunk.
That, and the box of Twinkies found with it, were both in the process of being digitally remastered and recorded. However, Harvey insisted on playing Tetris and the episode was lost once again.
Trust me. It was really, really funny.
Amazing Beliefs Part 5
I’m leaving for Texas today to get all married and stuff, and, just in time for the plane flight, I got a copy of The Weapon by Michael Z. Williamson and his first novel, Freehold. I’ll tell you what I think of them after I read ’em. Until then, here’s maybe my last post for a while, the final part of Michael Z. Williamson’s amazing beliefs about guns.
Trivia Time
Weblog Awards Update
When I finally voted last night, I found that IMAO was in hot competition for second place for Best Humor Blog while some blog I’ve never seen called Jesus General had like seven time the votes of anyone else. Anyone know anything about that blog?
As for Best Podcast, despite our hiatus until Janurary (just like 24!), we had a good lead as of last night since no one was voting in that category.
Anyway, keep voting (you can vote once a day in each category). And someone update me how things are going since I don’t have flash at work and can’t see the votes.
Oh, we should probably sponsor people in other categories. I remember Basil’s Blog was a finalist for something…
Iranian military plane wipes Tehran apartment building off of the map.